In: Advanced Math
Plot π(x), Li(x),x/ln(x) in Mathematica for each of the following ranges: 2≤x≤10,000; 10,000≤x≤20,000; and,100,000≤x≤110,000.
the mathematica command is PrimePi [x].
For Li(x) the mathematica command is LogIntegral [x].
For x/ln(x) the mathematica command is x/Log[x].
So to plot these in the range
, the command becomes :
Plot [ {PrimePi[x], LogIntegral [x], x/Log[x] }, {x,2,10000},
PlotStyle -> {Red, Blue, Green}, Axes->True]
Similarly, to plot these in the
, the command becomes :
Plot [ {PrimePi[x], LogIntegral [x], x/Log[x] }, {x,10000, 20000}, PlotStyle -> {Red, Blue, Green}, Axes->True]
And, to plot these in the
, the command becomes :
Plot [ {PrimePi[x], LogIntegral [x], x/Log[x] }, {x,100000, 110000}, PlotStyle -> {Red, Blue, Green}, Axes->True]
[In all the above cases, the first graph (that is pi(x)) will appear in red, the graph for li(x) in blue and the third one will appear in green.]
Let me know anything is not clear!