
In: Nursing

PLEASE TYPE YOUR ANSWERS How does an organization’s mission and vision affect its governance? Analysis of...


How does an organization’s mission and vision affect its governance?

Analysis of Organizational Structure


To analyze an organization to determine whether it is a centralized or decentralized organization and to determine whether a shared governance framework is established


Select a health care organization with which you are familiar and complete the Governance Study Guide.

Governance Study Guide


4. How many levels of hierarchy are there in the organization?

5. Do clinical nurses make autonomous clinical decisions?

6. Are clinical nurses elected or appointed to organizational committees?

7. Do clinical nurses participate in hiring, evaluating, and scheduling decisions?

8. How are clinical nurses’ innovative ideas encouraged and received by administration?

9. How are assignments made on the nursing units?

Remember that a more decentralized structure enables clinical nurses to participate at all levels of decision making. Communication is horizontal and vertical, and innovations are encouraged.


Expert Solution

1.Both the vision and mission statements play an important role in the organization. The mission statement provides the organization with a clear and effective guide for making decisions, while the vision statement ensures that all the decision made are properly aligned with what the organization hopes to achieve.


Smart business owners use this statement to remind their teams why their company exists because this is what makes the company successful. The mission statement serves as a “North Star” that keeps everyone clear on the direction of the organization. And as Andy Stanley says, “It’s your direction, not your intention, that determines your destination.” This leads to the second reason. Mission and vision at elements affects the company's governance by following factors.such as,


Many people refer to this as the “vision” which is different than the mission. The vision is about a preferred future. Where will you be in 1 year? 3 years? 5 years? The mission tells us what we’re doing today that will then take us where we want to go in the future.


A clear mission sets important boundaries which enable business owners to delegate both responsibility and authority. Mission is to the company what a compass is to an explorer, a map to a tourist, a rudder to a ship, a template to a machinist. It provides a framework for thinking throughout the organization. It provides the boundaries and guardrails you need in order to stay on the path to your preferred future.


When a new employee is hired, it’s critical that the new hire know what the company does and where the company is going. The mission statement forms the basis for alignment not only with the owner, but the entire team and organization. Your team will all be on the same page when it comes to what you do and why you do it, which leads to better effectiveness and efficiency.


Many people are resistant to change because it causes us to feel insecure and sometimes out of control. However, if the mission is clear, then team members are more likely to see the value of the change and how it helps the organization accomplish the mission. This will create a culture that welcomes change when warranted.


Every business and business owner needs a strategy. But strategies must not be created in a vacuum. Instead of looking at what’s new or what competitors are doing and trying to copy them, wise business owners create the most effective strategies possible to accomplish the mission their company is set out to accomplish.


It has been said that “What you measure will be your mission.” If you have a clear, written statement of mission you will know exactly what to measure and how to measure it.

2.Analysis of organizational strructure

A company's organizational structure determines how it approaches operating the business. Studying the different characteristics of the company and determining how it is organized, you can compare structures, examine weaknesses and identify strengths. Such an analysis lets you propose changes in the organizational structure to improve performance.


Organizational structures based on functions, geographical territories or products have a high level of control over what work employees carry out and how they perform that work. These organizational structures are hierarchies where managers delegate authority and are responsible for outcomes. Matrix organizations have reduced levels of control because an employee reports to two managers, depending on the issue at hand. A high level of control is important for companies operating in tightly regulated industries such as financial services or health care. Your analysis must look at your company's operating environment to determine whether the level of control in place for your organization is appropriate for its operations.


Structures organized along functional, geographic or product lines have low coordination between employees because the managers focus on their own area of responsibility. Managers for different products within the company may undertake similar marketing initiatives, resulting in duplication. Managers responsible for different functions may work at cross-purposes. Matrix organizations have better coordination because the work and the functions are carried out by the same group of employees. An analysis in terms of coordination explores to what extent the reduced control but improved coordination of a matrix structure would benefit your company.

3.purpose of analysis

An organizational analysis is a diagnostic business process that can help organizations understand their performance, look for problem areas, identify opportunities, and develop a plan of action for improving performance. In short, an organizational analysis is a review of the basic components of an organization

health care organiztion

health care system or healthcare organization, is the organization of people, institutions, and resources that deliver health care services to meet the health needs of target populations. Related Journals of Healthcare Organizations and Systems.


hospitals have to function very precisely, executing high-quality services every hour of every day. Organizations that have this sort of requirement usually take on a vertical organizational structure – having many layers of management, with most of the organization's staff working in very specific, narrow, low-authority roles. The numerous layers of management are designed to make sure that no one person can throw the system off too much. This structure also ensures that tasks are being done exactly and correctly.

Top Level of Hospital Management Hierarchy

This is the highest level of the management group. This is the administrative level of the hospital management hierarchy.

  • Dean of the Hospital – The highest authority holder management official in the hospital management hierarchy is the dean of the hospital. The dean carries out the leadership duties for the hospital in an exquisite and amorous manner.
  • Hospital Administrators – These are the group of the people who help dean ardently in carrying out the management of the hospital with a great ease and taking care of the profit loss statements along with managing and handling the smooth administration of the hospital. These are specialized professionals who are great at enforcing and mediating hospital ethics along with the knowledge and efficiency to excel at what they do.
  • Specialists Surgeons – These professionals are also an important part of the hospital management hierarchy. These are specialized surgeons with years of practice and vital experience. Some surgeons after serving a hospital for several years with dedication also get promoted to the hospital administration level and become a part of the administrative team.

Middle Level of Hospital Management Hierarchy

This is the executive level in the hospital management hierarchy. It includes following groups –

  • Normal Specialists – These are those doctors who specialize in a certain type of medicine, like urologists, cardiologists, and oncologist.
  • The Silent Doctors – This group of hospital professionals includes doctors such like anesthesiologists, pathologists, and radiologists.
  • Nursing – Nurses play a vital role in the hospital management hierarchy since all the assisting work of a doctor is handled by the nurses. Nurses are further of two types – the registered practical nurses and the licensed nurses.

Lower Level of Hospital Management Hierarchy

This is the lowest level in the hospital management hierarchy. This group responds to the operational level.

  • Physician Assistant – A physician assistant is practically a doctor. He is a commendable and trustable professional who is responsible for the testing, treatment and examination of the medical conditions of the patients in the hospital. They have extensive training, do the day-to-day functions of doctors and have the ability to prescribe medicine.
  • Medical Students – Well these are the individuals seeking medical degree but not employee of the hospital yet doing practice in the hospital. This can be considered as the lowest level of the hierarchy and can be termed as a trainee or practitioner.

5.Clinical decision making is a contextual, continuous, and evolving process, where data are gathered, interpreted, and evaluated in order to select an evidence-based choice of action.Clinical judgment or decision-making, includes conclusions about a patient's status and needs with a determination of a method to implement to best meet patient needs including an assessment of the patient response. Expert nurses use intuition in their decision-making .

6.Decision making within nursing focused committees was also described and demonstrated. The processes that enable nurses in all settings and roles to participate in organizational decision making groups were not described and demonstrated.Nurses functioning in leadership roles such the CNO, directors, managers, advanced practice nurses participate in organizational decision-making committees, councils, and task forces as part of their administrative responsibilities and allocated work time. Job descriptions for these nurses at all setting and all levels include participation on organization wide interdisciplinary committees as representatives of nursing unit and/or department.

7.Clinical nurse specialists typically are master's degree-trained RNs; some may also have PhDs. Their clinical specialties can include oncology, neonatology and, or, pediatrics, mental health, adult health, women's health, geriatrics, and AIDS. They commonly work in clinical settings and provide primary care; case management services; psychotherapy; and a variety of organizational, administrative, and leadership services as well. Nurse practitioners are usually prepared at the master's degree level and also certified in a specialty area of practice, such as pediatrics, family practice, or primary care.moreover, participate in hiring, evaluating, and scheduling decisions in coordinatin with adminisrtative pannel.

8.. How are clinical nurses’ innovative ideas encouraged and received by administration?Give nurses an opportunity to demonstrate and experience leadership in their profession on a regular basis. Schedule nurses to lead nursing or department staff meetings, research current medical topics and share nursing experiences. Assign nurses to present small educational sessions for peer-to-peer learning about such subjects as hospital policies, nursing procedures and patient care trends and responsibilities. Encourage mentoring partnerships by pairing senior nurses with new staff nurses for support, problem-solving and sharing experiences.

Several organizations offer resources to advance innovation in simulation training. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) has developed guidelines for use of simulation in prelicensure nursing programs (Al). The Simulation Innovation Resource Center, a collaborative project of National League for Nursing fosters nurse education to advance the use of simulation in nursing education, offers a Faculty Development Toolkit and templates

. Innovative nurses are influencing the development of health policy, which is defined by Longest as,authoritative decisions regarding health or the pursuit of health made in the legislative, executive, or judicial branches of government that are intended to direct or influence the actions, behaviors or decisions of others”

9 answer

Nurse-patient assignments help coordinate daily unit activities, matching nurses with patients to meet unit and patient needs for a specific length of time. If you are new to this challenge, try these eight tips as a guide for making nurse-patient assignments.

1. Find a mentor

Most nurses learn to make nurse-patient assignments from a colleague. Consider asking if you can observe your charge nurse make assignments. Ask questions to learn what factors are taken into consideration for each assignment. Nurses who make assignments are aware of their importance and are serious in their efforts to consider every piece of information when making them. By asking questions, you’ll better understand how priorities are set and the thought that’s given to each assignment. Making nurse-patient assignments is challenging, but with your mentor’s help, you’ll move from novice to competent in no time.

2. Gather your supplies (knowledge)

Before completing any nursing task, you need to gather your supplies. In this case, that means knowledge. You’ll need information about the unit, the nurses, and the patients. (See What you need to know.) Some of this information you already know, and some you’ll need to gather. But make sure you have everything you need before you begin making assignments. Missing and unknown information is dangerous and may jeopardize patient and staff safety.
The unit and its environment will set the foundation for your assignments. The environment (unit physical layout, average patient length of stay [LOS]) defines your process and assignment configuration (nurse-to-patient ratios). You’re probably familiar with your unit’s layout and patient flow.

3. Decide on the process

Now that you’ve gathered the information you need, you’re ready to develop your plan for assigning nurses. This step usually combines the unit layout with your patient flow. Nurses typically use one of three processes–area, direct, or group–to make assignments. (See Choose your process.)

4. Set priorities for the shift

The purpose of nurse-patient assignments is to provide the best and safest care to patients, but other goals will compete for consideration and priority. This is where making assignments gets difficult. You’ll need to consider continuity of care, new nurse orientation, patient requests and satisfaction, staff well-being, fairness, equal distribution of the workload, nurse development, and workload completion.

5. Make the assignments

Grab your writing instrument and pencil in that first nurse’s name. This first match should satisfy your highest priority. For example, if nurse and any other returning nurses are reassigned to the patients they had on their previous shift. If, however, you have a complex patient with a higher-than-average acuity, you just assigned your best nurse to this patient. After you’ve satisfied your highest priority, move to your next highest priority and match nurses with unassigned patients and areas

6. Adjust the assignments

You just made the assignments, so why do you need to adjust them? The nurse-patient assignment list is a living, breathing document. It involves people who are constantly changing–their conditions improve and deteriorate, they’re admitted and discharged, and their nursing needs can change in an instant. The assignment process requires constant evaluation and reevaluation of information and priorities.

7. Evaluate success
What’s the best way to eval­uate the success of your nurse-patient assignments? Think back to your priorities and goals. Did all the patients receive safe, quality care? Did you maintain continuity of care? Did the new nurse get the best orientation experience? Were the assignments fair? Measure success based on patient and nurse outcomes.

8. Keep practicing
Nurse-patient assignments never lose their complexity, but you’ll get better at recognizing potential pitfalls and maximizing patient and nurse outcomes. Keep practicing and remember that good assignments contribute to nurses’ overall job satisfaction.

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