
In: Statistics and Probability

The human resource director at Schultz Industries is interested in examining the effect of gender and...

  1. The human resource director at Schultz Industries is interested in examining the effect of gender and employee classification on the annual dollar amount of dental claims for unmarried employees in the company. Employee classifications range from category 1 (production-line worker) to category 4 (upper-level management). The director decided to use three replicates for each of the eight treatment combinations, requiring annual claims from 24 different employees. Use the sample results (below) to test for the significance of the gender, employee classification, and interaction between gender and employee classification. Use a significance level of 0.05.

Employee Classification

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Category 4































                        (Note 1: To conduct your hypothesis test for parts (A) and (B) in problem #1, you need to use the randomized block design procedure in Excel denoted by “ANOVA: Two factors without Replication”).

                        (Note 2: For problem #2, you will be using “ANOVA: Two factor with Replication” procedure and will be conducting three hypothesis tests. Please make sure to specify your null and alternative hypotheses for each case and write your conclusion in each case).


Expert Solution

Problem #1:

Anova: Two-Factor Without Replication
SUMMARY Count Sum Average Variance
Male 4 895 223.75 5922.917
Male 4 1015 253.75 4256.25
Male 4 890 222.5 10691.67
Female 4 830 207.5 3275
Female 4 825 206.25 6689.583
Female 4 775 193.75 9989.583
Category 1 6 1320 220 890
Category 2 6 1285 214.1667 7674.167
Category 3 6 1445 240.8333 7644.167
Category 4 6 1180 196.6667 8826.667
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Rows 8670.833 5 1734.167 0.223275 0.946781 2.901295
Columns 5970.833 3 1990.278 0.25625 0.855696 3.287382
Error 116504.2 15 7766.944
Total 131145.8 23

There is no significant effect of gender, employee classification, and interaction between gender and employee classification.

Problem #2:

Anova: Two-Factor With Replication
SUMMARY Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Total
Count 3 3 3 3 12
Sum 615 415 940 830 2800
Average 205 138.3333 313.3333 276.6667 233.3333
Variance 325 1608.333 2233.333 1233.333 5919.697
Count 3 3 3 3 12
Sum 705 870 505 350 2430
Average 235 290 168.3333 116.6667 202.5
Variance 1225 325 1108.333 1633.333 5484.091
Count 6 6 6 6
Sum 1320 1285 1445 1180
Average 220 214.1667 240.8333 196.6667
Variance 890 7674.167 7644.167 8826.667
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Sample 5704.167 1 5704.167 4.708512 0.045415 4.493998
Columns 5970.833 3 1990.278 1.642878 0.219138 3.238872
Interaction 100087.5 3 33362.5 27.53912 1.48E-06 3.238872
Within 19383.33 16 1211.458
Total 131145.8 23

There is a significant effect of gender, and interaction between gender and employee classification.

There is no significant effect of employee classification.

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