
In: Nursing

CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety write and submit a report to a...

CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety

write and submit a report to a supervisor about changes that should be made to engagement strategies based on evaluations


Expert Solution

Report based on Evaluation of cultural safety strategies:

1.The evaluation process includes firstly agreeing on measurable outcomes, secondly on evaluating programs and services against these outcomes and finally revising cultural safety strategies.

2. Consultation will enable agreed outcomes to be developed and then be used to measure success.

3. Measures of success developed by the community for which they are to be used. Cultural safety will differ between communities.

4. Involve Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait islander people in the collaboration process to enhance its meaningfulness to the local community.

5. Keep accurate documentation and records of the feedback. When interviewing listen closely and allow time for responses.

6. Analyse feedback carefully and present recommendations in a clear way.

7. Collect quantitative and/ or qualitative data for feedback information.

8. Consultation should be employed when revising and implementing any new strategies.

9. Improvements to cultural safety can be small/ large but either way will require a redirection of resources for implementation.

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