
In: Computer Science

To write a Generic Collection class for Stack<E>, using the generic Node<E> from Lab 5, and...

To write a Generic Collection class for Stack<E>, using the generic Node<E> from Lab 5, and test it using a stack of Car, Integer, and String


For Programming Lab 6, you are to write your own Generic Collection for a Stack that will use your Node<E> from Lab 5

UML for Stack<E>


- top : Node<E>
- numElements : int

+ Stack( )
+ push( element : E ) : void
+ pop( ) : E
+ size( ) : int

Here is an additional description of what your stack should contain/how it should perform:

private fields:

- top which points to a Node<E>
- numElements an int

a no-arg Constructor:

- sets top to null
- numElements to 0

push(receives element of type E)

- adds a new node to top of stack
- adds 1 to numElements

pop( ) returns a value of type E

- removes node from top of stack
- decrements numElements by 1

- <<unless the stack is empty-throw EmptyStack exception (provided in Canvas)>>

size( ) returns an int

returns value of numElements

Stack<E> (


Comment with name (2 points)

Comment each method / constructor in javadoc format (8 points)

2 private Fields created as requested
-top:Node<E> and – numElements as int (5 points)

No-arg Constructor
initializes top and numElements to 0 (5 points)

push() method

adds element of type E to stack and increases numElements (15 points)

pop() method
removes item from top of stack, decrements numElements, returns value of type E
or throws EmptyStack exception if stack was empty (15 points)

size() method
returns numElements (5 points)

following the naming guidelines for Classes and identifiers (8 points)

proper indenting (methods indented inside class, statements indented inside method, conditionally executed code indented) (8 points)

organization of your Class( instance variables up top / Constructor / setters/getters ) (8 points)

Lab must compile and run in order to receive any credit


Expert Solution

import java.util.Scanner;
public class DriverClass
   public static void main(String[] args)
       Scanner in = new Scanner(;
       Stack stack = new Stack();
       int data;
           System.out.println("1.Push\n2.pop\n3.size\n4.exit\nEnter choice::");
           int choice = in.nextInt();
               case 1: System.out.println("Enter element:\t");
                       data= in.nextInt();
               case 2: System.out.println("Popped Element:\t"+ stack.pop());
               case 3: System.out.println("Size of Stack:\t"+stack.size());
               case 4: System.exit(1);

////////////:::::::: Stack class
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
public class Stack
   private Node top;
   private int count;
   class Node
       public int data;
       public Node next;
   // Constructs an empty stack:
   public Stack()
       top = null;
       count =0;
   *Push operation:::::
   * Adds an element to the top of the stack
   * @param e int to top of stack.
   public void push(int e)
       Node newNode = new Node(); = e; = top;
       top = newNode;
   * Pop Operation::::
   * Removes the element from the top of the stack
   * @return the removed String
   * If stack empty throw NoSuchElementException
   public int pop()
       if (top == null) {throw new NoSuchElementException();}
       int e =;
       top =;
       return e;
   public int size()
       return count;


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