
In: Accounting

Hillsong Inc. manufactures snowsuits. Hillsong is considering purchasing a new sewing machine at a cost of...

Hillsong Inc. manufactures snowsuits. Hillsong is considering purchasing a new sewing machine at a cost of $2.45 million. Its existing machine was purchased five years ago at a price of $1.8 million; six months ago, Hillsong spent $55,000 to keep it operational. The existing sewing machine can be sold today for $241,115. The new sewing machine would require a one-time, $85,000 training cost. Operating costs would decrease by the following amounts for years 1 to 7:

Year 1 $389,000
2 400,400
3 411,000
4 425,700
5 433,800
6 435,200
7 437,500

The new sewing machine would be depreciated according to the declining-balance method at a rate of 20%. The salvage value is expected to be $380,100. This new equipment would require maintenance costs of $95,300 at the end of the fifth year. The cost of capital is 9%.

Calculate the net present value.

Net present value $enter the net present value in dollars rounded to 0 decimal places

Determine whether Hillsong should purchase the new machine to replace the existing machine?

select between Yes or No                                                          YesNo


Expert Solution

1.Net Present Value =$(54300)

2. No , Hellisong should not purchase New Machine as the NPV is negative .

Net Present Value is present value of cash Inflows - PV of Cash Outflow at the discounted rate

Here Discouting rate is cost of capital @ 9%

NPV = - Initial Investment + PV Net Cash flows + PV Salvage

Initial Investment

Cost of New Machine $2450000
Less Receipt from old Machine $241115
Add:One time Trainning cost $85000
Net Intial Investment $2293885

Reduction in Operating Cost ( Saving in Cost ie Excess Cash inflow from that amount )


Year Particulars Amount Discount @9%(PV table ) Present Value
0 Initial Investment (2293885) 1 (2293885)
1 Annual Decrease in Operating Expense $389000 0.91743 $356880
2 ---,,---- $400400 0.84168 $337009
3 $411000 0.77218 $317366
4 $425700 0.70843 $301579
5 $433800 0.64993 $281940
5 Maintainance cost $(95300) 0.64993 $(61938)
6 Decrease in operarting cost $435200 0.59627 $259497
7 Decrease in operating cost $437500 0.54703 $239326
7 Salvage $380100 0.54703 $207926
NPV $(54300)

2. As NPV for new machine is negative, Hillsong should not purchase the new sewing maching .

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Hillsong Inc. manufactures snowsuits. Hillsong is considering purchasing a new sewing machine at a cost of...
Hillsong Inc. manufactures snowsuits. Hillsong is considering purchasing a new sewing machine at a cost of $2.45 million. Its existing machine was purchased five years ago at a price of $1.8 million; six months ago, Hillsong spent $55,000 to keep it operational. The existing sewing machine can be sold today for $243,956. The new sewing machine would require a one-time, $85,000 training cost. Operating costs would decrease by the following amounts for years 1 to 7: Year 1 $391,000 2...
Hillsong Inc. manufactures snowsuits. Hillsong is considering purchasing a new sewing machine at a cost of...
Hillsong Inc. manufactures snowsuits. Hillsong is considering purchasing a new sewing machine at a cost of $2.45 million. Its existing machine was purchased five years ago at a price of $1.8 million; six months ago, Hillsong spent $55,000 to keep it operational. The existing sewing machine can be sold today for $243,257. The new sewing machine would require a one-time, $85,000 training cost. Operating costs would decrease by the following amounts for years 1 to 7: Year 1 $390,900 2...
Hillsong Inc. manufactures snowsuits. Hillsong is considering purchasing a new sewing machine at a cost of...
Hillsong Inc. manufactures snowsuits. Hillsong is considering purchasing a new sewing machine at a cost of $2.45 million. Its existing machine was purchased five years ago at a price of $1.8 million; six months ago, Hillsong spent $55,000 to keep it operational. The existing sewing machine can be sold today for $ 241,533 . The new sewing machine would require a one-time, $85,000 training cost. Operating costs would decrease by the following amounts for years 1 to 7. Year 1...
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