Drawing upon your newly gained knowledge of the current state of citizens’ privacy, civil liberties, and...

Drawing upon your newly gained knowledge of the current state of citizens’ privacy, civil liberties, and civil rights in the Information Age, where do you see the state of these issues five years from now?

In: Economics

What factors can complicate a sound Marketing approach to a global market? Please explain the possible...

What factors can complicate a sound Marketing approach to a global market? Please explain the possible pitfalls that can arise, and cite the course textbook in your response. Hill, C. W. L., & Hult, G. T. M. (2018). Global business today. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

In: Economics

including pictures , defining and explaining the use, extraction methods and the contribution of Aggregate mining...

including pictures , defining and explaining the use, extraction methods and the contribution of Aggregate mining to the Ontario economy(3 page minimum without diagrams)

please type your answer, Please do not write on the paper and post it

In: Economics

11. Sources of monopoly power A monopoly, unlike a perfectly competitive firm, has some market power....

11. Sources of monopoly power

A monopoly, unlike a perfectly competitive firm, has some market power. Thus, it can raise its price, within limits, without quantity demanded falling to zero. The main way monopolies retain their market power is through barriers to entry, which prevent other companies from entering monopolized markets and competing for customers.

Consider the market for tanzanite. The mines for this blue-purple gemstone, found only in Tanzania, are owned by the local government. Given that no one is allowed into the mines without government permission, the market structure for tanzanite highly resembles that of a monopoly.

Which of the following best explains the barriers to entry that exist in this scenario?

a) Legal barriers

b) Increasing returns to scale

c) Control over an important input

In: Economics

What is the ideal policy or policies for minimizing job outsourcing to foreign countries?

What is the ideal policy or policies for minimizing job outsourcing to foreign countries?

In: Economics

During the semester, we have started every class with discussing a current event and analyzing it...

During the semester, we have started every class with discussing a current event and analyzing it from a legal point of view. Finally, we discussed the business implications of such legal assessment and the steps a business-person could take to protect against the risks caused by these events. For instance, during the Chapter on contracts, we discussed the implications of the Coronavirus. First, we discussed how the World Health Organization categorized it then as an epidemic. Then we discussed how that could be considered as an event rendering a contract impossible to perform (Force Majeure). Finally, we talked about the possible ways a business-person could reduce such risks (e.g., including such protection in the contract and purchasing the necessary insurance in advance).

For your class project, write a 1000-work paper following the same approach and covering the following elements:

1. Pick a relevant and current event.

2. Describe how this event relates to one of the topics covered during the course (for instance, contracts, documentary sales, international transportation, World Trade Organization, public international law, intellectual property, trade sanctions).

3. Conduct a legal assessment of such event applying the elements discussed in the relevant chapter.

4. Discuss the business implications of such event and what steps a business-person could take to reduce the risks presented by the situation or benefit from it.

In: Economics

What is the Homeland Secuirty Act of 2002? How did it come about, and what did...

What is the Homeland Secuirty Act of 2002? How did it come about, and what did it do? Explain in FULL detail.

In: Economics

"Does African- American litterature exist ?" by kenneth w. warren. 1-please compose a 250 word response...

"Does African- American litterature exist ?" by kenneth w. warren. 1-please compose a 250 word response to warren's article.

In: Economics

Describe how banks create money. If the Bank of Canada wanted to use all three of...

Describe how banks create money. If the Bank of Canada wanted to use all three of its policy tools to decrease the money supply, what would it do?

In: Economics

“Good leaders are not necessarily good managers, and good managers are not necessarily good leaders.” (Kinicki...

“Good leaders are not necessarily good managers, and good managers are not necessarily good leaders.” (Kinicki text, p. 327) Most people confuse leadership and management. We have learned that leadership and management are different skills. Demonstrate that you understand the difference in this case study.

Think of someone you know personally (not a public figure), and consider to be a good leader.

  1. What are the behaviours of this specific leader that distinguish them from being a manager? Give specific examples this person does. Table 10.2 on page 327 of your text will provide you with some ideas regarding leader behaviours.

In: Economics

Question 1. Taxation, though is now considered a separate field of study, can still be best...

Question 1.
Taxation, though is now considered a separate field of study, can still be best described as Fiscal Policy tool for public Economic Governance and Financial Accountability for Development. The conclusion of the matter therefore is that "Fiscal Challenges and Debt problem are the results of weak Economic Governance particularly due to the poor strategic Management of Optimal Tax policy from Tue Fiscal/Budgetary Input Dynamics point".

Thus,' the more government income is 'earned', the more likely are state-society relations to be characterized by accountability, responsiveness and democracy. Tax's are therefore the very legal Consideration of the Social Contract for the Fiscal Governance of Modern States". Discuss.

In: Economics

what will happen when a social objectives conflicts with the organizations economic objectives

what will happen when a social objectives conflicts with the organizations economic objectives

In: Economics

Suppose that the true model is y = β0 +β1x+u. You decided to run the model...

Suppose that the true model is y = β0 +β1x+u. You decided to run the model without the intercept term.

1. Under what circumstance(s) would the coefficient term in your model (without the intercept term) be an unbiased estimator.

2. Your boss likes your model choice because the conditional variance of your estimator is the most efficient (between the two model choices). Evaluate your boss’s statement.

In: Economics

Describe labor and other resource markets. How is the market for labor similar to and different...

  • Describe labor and other resource markets. How is the market for labor similar to and different from the markets for steel or other factors of production? What can a firm do to ensure a dependable supply of these resources?
  • Look up the concept of a spillover effect and explain how unions have benefited workers who have never been a member of a union.
  • Union membership for non-government workers has fallen dramatically over the last 30 years, yet government workers are becoming ever more and more unionized. Why do you think that is true?
  • Would you expect the presence of labor unions to lead to higher or lower pay for worker-members, both in the short and long run?
  • Would you expect a higher or lower quantity of workers hired by those employers? What effect would you expect this to have on a company's bottom line? As a union member, would you accept higher pay if you knew that would result in layoffs? Explain briefly.
  • Will union membership continue to decline? Why or why not?

In: Economics

How has the European Central Bank influenced the growth of trade?

How has the European Central Bank influenced the growth of trade?

In: Economics