Question 13 a) Consider the country of Solow,which is described by the Solow-Swan growth model with...

Question 13
Consider the country of Solow,which is described by the Solow-Swan growth model with constant total factor productivity. Let the saving rate 0=0.75.Per
capita output(y)is equal to 100 and the per capita capital stock(k)is 1000. For Solow to be in steady state:

A. the depreciation rate and population growth rate must sum to 0.75
B. the depreciation rate is 0.025 and the population growth rate is 0.05
C. the depreciation rate is 0.25 and the population growth rate is 0.5
D. the sum of the depreciation rate and the population growth rate must be less than 0.075

Consider the country of Solow,which is described by the Solow-Swan model. Let the saving rate 0=0.8;let the population growth rate n=0.05; let the rate of
depreciationd=0.05. If per capita income y=100 and the per capita capital stock k=1000,which of the following is true?

A. Replacement investment is 100, saving is 60 and k will decrease towards the steady state per capita capital stock

B. Replacement investment is 100,saving is 80 ad k is at the steady state per capita capital stock

C. Replacement investment is 100,saving is 80 and k will decrease towards the steady state per capita capital stock

D. Replacement investment is 100,saving is 80 and k will increase towards the steady state per capita capital stock

An economy has two workers,Ben and Curtis.Every day they work,Ben can produce 24 shoes or 24 pants, and Curtis can produce 24 shoes or 12 pants.
Who has the comparative advantage for shoes and pants?
A. Ben for shoes;Curtis for pants
B. Curtis for shoes;Curtis for pants
C. Curtis for shoes;Ben for pants
D. Ben for shoes;Ben for pants

An economy has two workers, Paula and Ricardo.Every day they work, Paula can produce 4 computers or 16 shirts, and Ricardo can produce 6 computers or 12 shirts. Suppose that the market price of computers is 3 shirts per computer. What goods do Paula and Ricardo produce?

A. shirts by Paula;shirts by Ricardo
B. shirts by Ricardo;computers by Paula
C. shirts by Paula;computers by Ricardo
D. computers by Paula;computers by Ricardo

In: Economics

1 The purchases of items from foreigners will be equal to the sales of items to...

1 The purchases of items from foreigners will be equal to the sales of items to foreigners.



2 The following chart indicates a hypothetical newspaper quotation of the exchange rates of various currencies.

U.S. Dollar Equivalent

February 1

February 2

British pound 1.99 1.975
Canadian dollar 0.645 0.86

On February 2, the U.S. dollar (appreciated /depreciated) against the British pound.

On February 2, the U.S. dollar (appreciated /depreciated)   against the Canadian dollar.


Suppose the exchange rate between the United States and Mexico freely fluctuates in the open market.

Indicate whether each of the following would cause the dollar to appreciate, depreciate or remain unchanged relative to the peso.



No change

Higher real interest rates in Mexico induce U.S. citizens to move some of their financial investments from U.S. to Mexican banks.
Lower real interest rates in the United States induce Mexican investors to borrow dollars and then exchange them for pesos.
As a result of a Mexican oil discovery, Pemex, the Mexican oil company, increases the quantity of drilling equipment it purchases in the United States.

4 Economies with sluggish growth often run trade surpluses.



In: Economics

What are the risks of integrated and largely unregulated capital markets for the global economy and...

What are the risks of integrated and largely unregulated capital markets for the global economy and ordinary people living around the world?

In: Economics

Question 5 Consider a simple Keynesian model without government spending or taxation. Suppose autonomous consumption is...

Question 5
Consider a simple Keynesian model without government spending or taxation. Suppose autonomous consumption is 500 and autonomous investment is 300 and the equilibrium level of output is 2400.Then the marginal propensity to consume is:

a. 2/3
b. 3/5
c. Uncertain,not enough information
d. 3

Question 6
Suppose real GDP is growing at 4%per year and velocity is stable.According to the quantity theory of money,a central bank that wants to achieve inflation of 2%per year should:

a. Shrink the money supply at 2%per year
b. Expand the money supply at 2% per year
c. Keep the money supply constant
d. None of the other options

Question 7
Over time,the amount of government debt can decrease and yet the debt-to-GDP ratio can increase:
A. If GDP is growing at a rate faster than the decrease in the amount of government debt
B. None of the other options
C. If the rate at which GDP falls is faster than the rate at which government debt falls
D. If the government is running a sufficiently large(total)budget surplus

Question 8
In a(n)______open market operation,the Reserve Bank______ the money supply by making an open market______of bonds in the overnight interbank market.

A. expansionary,increases,sale
B. contractionary,reduces,purchase
C. expansionary,reduces,purchase
D. contractionary,reduces,sale

In: Economics

Question 1 A car manufacturing company produces a$20,000 car using$16,000 worth of components and$4,000 worth of...

Question 1
A car manufacturing company produces a$20,000 car using$16,000 worth of
components and$4,000 worth of labour.The contribution to GDP is:
A $ 16,000
D $ 40,000

Question 2
An increase in real GDP at the same time that nominal GDP remains unchanged
would be consistent with:
A. An increase in the real interest rate
B. A period of deflation
C None of the other options
D. An increase in the price level

Question 3
Bias in measuring inflation may occur because of:
A.Changes in product quality that are not captured by the statistician
B. Changes in the saving rate in an economy
C. Changes in the real interest rate
D. Changes in the way that workers and firms determine wages

Question 4
If the population of a country is 300 million,of whom 250 million are available
to work,the unemployment rate is 5%and the participation rate is 65%,the
number of employed and unemployed workers are,respectively:
A.154.4 million and 8.125 million
B.155.5 million and 8.750 million
C.195.0 million and 15.5 million
D.175.5 million and 12.55 million

In: Economics

Stackelberg Leader-Follower duopolists face a market demand curve given by P = 120 - 3Q where...

Stackelberg Leader-Follower duopolists face a market demand curve given by P = 120 - 3Q where Q is total market demand. Each firm can produce output at a constant marginal cost of 20 per unit. The equilibrium price for the total market will be...?

In: Economics

What role do incentives play in understanding economic decisions? Provide an example to make your point....

What role do incentives play in understanding economic decisions? Provide an example to make your point. Explain the basic difference between a flow variable and a stock variable, and provide an example of each.

In: Economics

In 500-1000 words (1-2 pages, double-spaced), provide an explanation of "Socioeconomic Status/Poverty and climate change –...

In 500-1000 words (1-2 pages, double-spaced), provide an explanation of "Socioeconomic Status/Poverty and climate change – i.e. extreme weather (harsher winters and summers) and droughts, as two outcomes of climate change, disproportionately affect poorer individuals" and why/how it affects populations as a matter of public health. You can use the provided examples above as a starting point, but they cannot be the only example you provide.

In: Economics

3 - From the following data about the demand for dishwashers, calculate the elasticity of demand...

3 - From the following data about the demand for dishwashers, calculate the elasticity of demand from point A to B, from point C to D and from point E to point F. Classify the elasticity as elastic, inelastic or unitary elastic. Also calculate the total revenue of each point. What happens to total revenue as you approach unitary elasticity? If cost were not an issue what price would you choose for your selling price?


In Dollars
























In: Economics

Discuss the youth culture of the 1950s & 1960s and how it affected American society. Why...

Discuss the youth culture of the 1950s & 1960s and how it affected American society. Why was the demographic of the teenager an integral part of this time, especially during the latter years of the 1960s anti-war protests?

In: Economics

"Economics of Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights: - Patents, copyrights, and trademarks - R&D races, digital...

"Economics of Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights:
- Patents, copyrights, and trademarks - R&D races, digital innovation- regulation of digital platforms."

Write a half-page post, adding your own analysis and comments.

In: Economics

explain any two factor that affect ped

explain any two factor that affect ped

In: Economics

determine which group would have higher Social Security Wealth (SSW), all other things equal. Explain your...

determine which group would have higher Social Security Wealth (SSW), all other things equal. Explain your answers.

(a) male or female

(b) born in 1925 or born in 1985

(c) single or married

(d) low-wage earner or high-wage earner

(e) single-earner couple or double-earner couple

In: Economics

How did the Vietnam War affect the American people when it went so horribly wrong?What were...

How did the Vietnam War affect the American people when it went so horribly wrong?What were the responses to our role in Vietnam?

In: Economics

1. Why some countries grow faster that others? (Give examples if possible) 2. Discuss the factors...

1. Why some countries grow faster that others? (Give examples if possible)

2. Discuss the factors that contribute to economic growth. (Give examples if possible)

3. List and briefly describe the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). (Give examples if possible)

In: Economics