Describe what Groupon is as a company (e.g. what type of E-Commerce it is), what its...

Describe what Groupon is as a company (e.g. what type of E-Commerce it is), what its business model is (e.g. how it generates revenues), what its current situation is, and how do you see its future?

In: Economics

2) Explain how the following statements affect the demand curve for PASTA. Indicate whether they cause...

2) Explain how the following statements affect the demand curve for PASTA. Indicate whether they cause an increase/decrease in demand or an increase/decrease in quantity demanded. Show graphically. a) The price of rice falls. b) Consumer income increases (assume that pasta is an inferior good). c) The price of pasta sauce rises. d) The price of pasta rises.

3) Explain how the following statements affect the supply of orange juice. Indicate whether the event causes an increase/decrease in supply or an increase/decrease in the quantity supplied. Show graphically. a) Florida, “The Sunshine State”, experiences a devastatingly cold winter. b) Thepriceofplasticdecreases. c) The government mandates that all orange juice producers must provide child care for their employees

4) The Wonka chocolate bar market can be represented using the supply and demand equations below. ?? =587.5−50? ?? =500?−375 a) Find the price and quantity intercepts for the demand curve. b) Find the price intercept for the supply curve. (note: no need to solve for the quantity intercept) c) Find the equilibrium price and quantity for Wonka chocolate bars. d) Using the supply and demand graph, show the following items: demand intercepts, supply intercept, and the market equilibrium. Make sure the graph is labeled appropriately. e) Explain what would happen to the market if the price of a Wonka bar was set at ? = 3. Surplus or shortage. Calculate excess demand or supply.

In: Economics

As a retail buyer, what criteria would you use in deciding whether your chain should carry...

As a retail buyer, what criteria would you use in deciding whether your chain should carry the new Samsung Family Hub refrigerator?

What kind of support would you require from Samsung with regard to training you (as the buyer) and the on-floor sales personnel?

In: Economics

7. In each case below, determine the effect on the sellers' total revenue and identify whether...

7. In each case below, determine the effect on the sellers' total revenue and identify whether the demand curve in this particular market is elastic, inelastic, or unit-elastic in the relevant price range.
a. When the price per package of a brand of chocolate chip cookies increases from $4 to $5, monthly quantity demanded decreases from 20 000 to 15 000.
b. A fall in the price of sugar from $4 to $3 per carton raises weekly quantity demanded from 20 000 to 25 000 cartons
c. A rise in the quantity demanded of a monthly fashion magazine from 35 000 to 40 000 copies occurs when its newsstand price is reduced from $10 to $9.
d. Daily quantity demanded of a particular model of digital music player rises from 5000 to 6000 players if its price drops from $60 to $50

In: Economics

1) Briefly explain how and why we want the economy potential national income, Yp to be...

1) Briefly explain how and why we want the economy potential national income, Yp to be consistent with each of the short-run Aggregated supply, SRAS and the long-run Aggregate supply,LRAS

2) Briefly explain why economic growth is only illustrated by the long-run aggregate supply, LRAS curve

can you please explain this

In: Economics

Which of the following will increase the aggregate demand curve? An increase in consumer spending. All...

Which of the following will increase the aggregate demand curve?

An increase in consumer spending.

All of these items will increase aggregate demand.

The buying of government securities by the Federal Reserve Bank.

An increase in government purchases.

increase in corporate investment spending

In: Economics

Ontario has been singularly successful at managing the Covid-19 Pandemic, and as a result, there has...

Ontario has been singularly successful at managing the Covid-19 Pandemic, and as a result, there has been a gradual re-opening of stores, hair salons, restaurants and movie theatres.

Suppose that the newly re-opened Movie Theatres reduce their price of admission from $20.00 to $17.00 to get people to come back. Suppose, as a result of the reduced price in movie theatres, the “New drive-in movie theatre” from question 1 experiences a reduction in the number of cars from their equilibrium of 350 cars to 275 cars a night.

i.     Using the information provided above, Determine the Cross-Price Elasticity of Demand following the “ARC” form as we don’t have an equation to work with here.

ii.    Given the Sign of your calculation, EXPLAIN carefully; (1) the Type of Relationship between the re-opened movie theatres and the “New drive-in movie theatre” AND, (2) the interpretation of the Elasticity value calculated.

In: Economics

Suppose Canada can produce 20 units of Oil and 0 units of potatoes if it chooses...

Suppose Canada can produce 20 units of Oil and 0 units of potatoes if it chooses to only produce Oil. Otherwise, Canada can produce 50 potatoes and 0 units of oil if it only chooses to produce potatoes. The United States on the other hand can produce 25 units of oil (and 0 units of potatoes) if it choose to produce only oil and 100 units of potatoes and 0 units of oil if it chooses to produce only potatoes.

A.) What is the opportunity cost of 1 potato for the U.S.? For Canada?

B.) What is the opportunity cost of 1 oil for the U.S.? For Canada?

C.) Who has the absolute advantage in the production of Oil? Potatoes?

D.) Who has the comparative advantage in the production of Oil? Potatoes?

E.) Suppose the U.S. has decided to be self sufficient and is producing 10 units of oil and 40 units of potatoes. Is there anyway that the U.S. increase its consumption of goods outside its production possibilities frontier (for example, consume more potatoes without changing the consumption of oil)?

In: Economics

How do businesses operate differently based on the market structure they fall in?

How do businesses operate differently based on the market structure they fall in?

In: Economics

7. (TCO E) The City of Champions has a referendum that will go before voters to...

7. (TCO E) The City of Champions has a referendum that will go before voters to build the best football stadium in the world. The ballot calls for the voters to approve or disapprove a 6% sales tax increase to construct the new stadium. The stadium is estimated to cost $800,000,000, and this cost is detailed in the narratives of the referendum. Once the $800,000,000 is raised for the stadium construction, the stadium sales tax will be terminated, and any repairs and maintenance will be funded by proceeds from ticket sales, concessions, and other venues within the stadium.

A. What standards of equitability apply in this case?

B. Describe each standard and explain why it applies and whether the standard has been violated.


In: Economics

Q1. How might Salaries in the NFL change after a strong economic recovery? Use a labor...

Q1. How might Salaries in the NFL change after a strong economic recovery? Use a labor market model to justify your answer. Explain why the curves moved the way they did.

In: Economics

Answer the following questions, please be thorough in your response. 1.Why do you think that moral...

Answer the following questions, please be thorough in your response.

1.Why do you think that moral hazard exists in insurance markets and how can it be reduced?

2 Discuss an example of market failure and whether the government has been effective in implementing policies to correct it.

3 Give an example of a positive and negative externality and what regulations the government would use to correct the negative externality?

4 Choose a product protected by intellectual property rights. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of that product being protected.

In: Economics

I’ve got a three part question: (a) As a response to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, the...

I’ve got a three part question:

(a) As a response to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, the Commonwealth Government put in place lockdown restrictions. Using the dynamic AD-AS framework, analyse and demonstrate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the level of output (or real GDP), unemployment, and inflation.

(b) In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in March 2020 the Commonwealth Government announced a fiscal stimulus which included income support for workers and businesses hit by the pandemic. Using the same dynamic AD-AS framework used in part (a), explain and illustrate the effect of the fiscal stimulus on the level of output (or real GDP), unemployment, and inflation.

(c) Using the same dynamic AD-AS framework used in part (b), show what the impact of the fiscal stimulus would have been if Australia had no interactions in trade or finance with other economies (i.e. if Australia was a closed economy).

In: Economics

Provide an example of California direct democracy at work, and in a minimum of three full...

Provide an example of California direct democracy at work, and in a minimum of three full sentences and a maximum of five full sentences each, describe it.

In: Economics

A commercial bank’s T-account in 2020 is shown as below: Table 2: T-Account for Bank A...

  1. A commercial bank’s T-account in 2020 is shown as below: Table 2: T-Account for Bank A in 2018 Assets Liabilities plus Equity Loans: $ 800 Deposits: $900 Securities: $ 100 Borrowings: $0 Cash Reserves: $ 60 Equity: ?

The bank pays 8% for the bank deposit to the depositors; the average interest rate on the loans is 15%; the cash reserves does not pay any interest; and the returns to its securities is 10%.

(1) Calculate the value of equity, the value of capital ratio and the leverage ratio?

(2) Calculate the return on equity.

(3) Calculate the capital ratio and return on equity again if deposits is 800 and more equity is used to finance for the assets? By comparing your answer with

(2), when equity increases, whether the return on equity would increase or decrease?

In: Economics