Describe and illustrate the derivation of the optimal choice of health status, health care, and the...

Describe and illustrate the derivation of the optimal choice of health status, health care, and the composite “all other consumption” commodity in the Wagstaff model of the demand for health care.

In: Economics

Explain in detail the currency crisis in Pakistan since its inception elucidate the reasons with arguments...

Explain in detail the currency crisis in Pakistan since its inception elucidate the reasons with arguments pertaining to the depreciation of Pakistani rupee (PKR) over years. How has the current prevalent pandemic COVID-19 affected PKR. what are the main differences in policy and strategy of response to such economic meltdown of India, Pakistan, USA and New Zealand?

In: Economics

2. Identify an example of a Progressive Era from each strand that continues to exist today...

2. Identify an example of a Progressive Era from each strand that continues to exist today and another that has since been discarded.

In: Economics

Ehrman notes that Form Criticism is concerned to know three things about a biblical text. Name...

Ehrman notes that Form Criticism is concerned to know three things about a biblical text. Name and describe them:
( i will very appreciate you help me)

In: Economics

When did the U.S. go off of the Gold Standard? Explain the Trilemma.

When did the U.S. go off of the Gold Standard?

Explain the Trilemma.

In: Economics

explain the economic depravities in at least a page full george ’s old corolla emits a...

explain the economic depravities in at least a page full

george ’s old corolla emits a lot of carbon such that it contaminates the entire compound. This carbon emission
state is closely related to two (2) depravities. You are mandated to briefly explain
these 2 economic depravities that affect literally most people. (Hint: cause, effect and cure)

In: Economics

In general, women's education levels and real wage rates have increased greatly over the past several...

In general, women's education levels and real wage rates have increased greatly over the past several decades. Also, women are increasingly participating in the workplace. What do these facts imply about the relative magnitudes of women's income and substitution effects?

In: Economics

Explain carefully why the demand curve for a public good is correctly found by taking the...

Explain carefully why the demand curve for a public good is correctly found by taking the vertical summation of the individual consumers’ demand curves, and why the efficient quantity frequently won’t be produced when left up to the free market (with no government intervention). Use one or more appropriate diagrams to illustrate your answer.

Word count - 400

In: Economics

Explain why redistributive policies (that involve taxing higher earners and redistributing some of these returns to...

Explain why redistributive policies (that involve taxing higher earners and redistributing some of these returns to lower earners) can give rise to an equity/efficiency trade-off.

word count - 250 max

In: Economics

(a) Use a graphical approach to explain the effect of the following changes. i. A new...

(a) Use a graphical approach to explain the effect of the following changes.

i. A new Covid 19 face mask, made in America, is successful in sales to canada.

   ii. canada reduces its interest rate compared to the U.S., causing investors to sell canada’s bonds and buy U.S. bonds.

iii. Canadians, unhappy with monetary unification, transfer their bank balances to the U.S.

In: Economics

Need an academic response to this post of a fellow student The cost of getting your...

Need an academic response to this post of a fellow student

The cost of getting your degree includes tuition, fees, transportation, housing, course materials, economic factors, etc. A potential student must first take into consideration how much everything will cost all together because receiving a formal education isn’t cheap at all. Steps they can take into choosing if a formal education is worth the cost is knowing what they will do with their degree once they have it. Setting a versatile career goal that they fully plan on sticking to. This will ensure all the hard work and money that went into this education will be put to good use. A student must also take personal living costs into consideration. How much will they spend on food, gas, rent, clothes, etc. I think getting a formal college education is worth the opportunity costs because you could come out very successful in the end. It’s a big risk worth taking.  

This is main topic discussed

Define the opportunity cost of getting your degree by analyzing what steps and economic factors a potential student must make when choosing to pursue an education. Given your answer, is getting a formal college education worth your opportunity costs? Why?

Thank you

In: Economics

Consultants in a particular industry are currently paid $100 per hour and the typical work day...

Consultants in a particular industry are currently paid $100 per hour and the typical work day lasts 10 hours. Demand for labour in that industry increases, resulting in the average hourly rate increasing to $150 per hour. However, a labour survey reveals that most consultants now work two fewer hours per day than they did prior to the rise in the price of their labour. A newspaper comments that this is at odds with the “law of supply”, such that higher prices should result in greater quantities supplied. Explain why individual consultants’ labour supply curves can be backward bending, such that higher wages lead to fewer hours worked, and explain whether the market labour supply curve for consultants is likely to violate the “law of supply”. Use appropriate diagrams to illustrate your answer.

please provide an explanation and diagram to support it

In: Economics

The New Zealand Government’s $50 billion Covid-19 Recovery Budget has been described as the “biggest spending...

The New Zealand Government’s $50 billion Covid-19 Recovery Budget has been described as the “biggest spending package in history” (by the New Zealand Herald). Explain, with reference to the determinants of productivity, what impact each of the following policies will have on Economic Growth:

i. “Shovel-ready” projects: $3 billion has been allocated to infrastructure projects such as waterways, transport, clean energy and buildings.

ii. Free tertiary training: $1.6 billion has been allocated to provide free tertiary training courses in building, agriculture and manufacturing.

iii. School lunch program: $220 million has been allocated to expand the free school lunch program to ensure more school children who may be experiencing food insecurity are fed during school hours.

word count - 500 words max

In: Economics

1. What are the equations for the following concepts? What is the evidence for and against...

1. What are the equations for the following concepts? What is the evidence for and against them? Draw a diagram to show whether they are valid.

a. Absolute PPP

b. Relative PPP

c. Fisher effect

In: Economics

Need an academic response to this post of a student I know that the opportunity cost...

Need an academic response to this post of a student

I know that the opportunity cost for getting my degree will pay off. the reason behind this is I see many companies I want to work for are wanting bachelor's degrees. I do think it is smart to make sure you can obtain work experience in the field before you get your degree to make it an easier transition. I also think people need to analyze what the degree is in and is there a future for it. Also looking at is it a good idea to pick a degree in the area I live in. Certain degrees are not as in demand as other jobs in certain areas. Many people also get into a lot of debt for careers that will not pay well. so they struggle to stay afloat with that debt on their head. I think it is important to look at your situation I look at how I have a husband who works and as do I. This helps me be able to survive and still go to school.

This is the topic discussion

Define the opportunity cost of getting your degree by analyzing what steps and economic factors a potential student must make when choosing to pursue an education. Given your answer, is getting a formal college education worth your opportunity costs? Why?


In: Economics