Goods Market:  C=50 + 0.8(Y-T) Money Market: M/P=490 I=120-400r L(r,y)=.5y-100r G=110 T=50 a. What are the IS...

Goods Market:  C=50 + 0.8(Y-T) Money Market: M/P=490 I=120-400r L(r,y)=.5y-100r G=110 T=50

a. What are the IS and LM equations? Calculate and show graphically the equilibrium output and interest rates?

b. Suppose there is an increased risk in the financial markets changing money demand by 50 units (add or subtract 50 from money demand). Calculate the SR and LR.

c. If the Federal Reserve wanted to stabilize the economy while at the SR equilibrium what policy would they need to conduct? Show this graphically and calculate how large of a policy they would need to conduct.

d. If the Government wanted to stabilize the economy while at the SR equilibrium what three policies could they conduct? Show this graphically and calculate how large of each of the policies would need to be. How different are these policies from what would have been suggested from the Fiscal Multipliers that were learned in introduction to macro?

In: Economics

Question 36 1 pts Assuming variable output prices, a decrease in aggregate demand will decrease (HINT:...

Question 36 1 pts

Assuming variable output prices, a decrease in aggregate demand will decrease (HINT: AS curve is upward sloping)

Group of answer choices

the price level & increase the real domestic output.

both real output & the price level.

the real domestic output & no impact on the price level.

the price level & have no effect on real domestic output.

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Question 37 1 pts

A leftward shift of the AS curve:

Group of answer choices

would increase output supplied at all price levels.

could be caused by an increase in the overall price level.

would result in both a higher price level and a lower level of output

could be caused by a decrease in input prices (a positive supply shock).

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Question 38 1 pts

A leftward shift of the AS curve is often associated with:

Group of answer choices

the stagflation of the 1970's.

demand-pull inflation of the "Vietnam era" of the 1960's.

the stock market crash of 1987.

the Great Depression.

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Question 39 1 pts

The inexplicable disappearance of the typically abundant harvest of anchovies off the coast of Peru contributed to the stagflation of the 1970's.

Group of answer choices

strange, but true

oh, c'mon, now you're just making things up: false

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Question 40 1 pts

Which of the following is not a tool of fiscal policy?

Group of answer choices


the money supply (more specifically, interest rates).

government purchases

unemployment insurance

All are "tools of fiscal policy."

In: Economics

Question 31 1 pts The Pigou-Wealth effect indicates that Group of answer choices a lower price...

Question 31 1 pts

The Pigou-Wealth effect indicates that

Group of answer choices

a lower price level will increase the real value of financial assets and therefore increase spending.

a decrease in the overall price level would shift the AD curve leftward

a higher price level will increase the real value of financial assets and therefore increase spending

an increase in the overall price level would shift the AD curve leftward

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Question 32 1 pts

The Keynes-Interest Rate effect suggests that

Group of answer choices

a lower price level might lead to a reduction in the demand for money resulting in a fall in the rate of interest, the result will be a movement down the AD curve.

lower prices and, therefore lower interest rates would cause the AD curve to shift left.

higher prices and, therefore higher interest rates would cause the AD curve to shift.

the above scenario- lower prices, lower interest rates- would result in a movement up the AD curve.

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Question 33 1 pts

Which one of the following would not shift the AD curve?

Group of answer choices

a change in government expenditures (G).

a change in household expectations about employment/income

a decline in the price level.

a change in interest rates

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Question 34 1 pts

The (short-run) aggregate supply (AS) curve:

Group of answer choices

is down sloping because real purchasing power increases as the price level falls.

shows the various amounts of output which firms wish to supply at each price level.

contains a vertical range where output is variable and prices are constant.

Is explained by the Keynes, Pigou and Foreign Purchases effects.

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Question 35 1 pts

The equilibrium price level and level of real output (GDP) occur where:

Group of answer choices

the AD and AS curves intersect.

real output is as high as possible.

the price level is at its lowest level possible.

exports equal imports.

In: Economics

what are the implicit and explicit cost associated with introducing a new product ? what is...

what are the implicit and explicit cost associated with introducing a new product ? what is the total cost associated with this venture and what happens to this cost in short and long run production?

In: Economics

Based on your knowledge of the current status of the Pandemic, and the numerous reported progress...

Based on your knowledge of the current status of the Pandemic, and the numerous reported progress on solutions to fight it, make a forecast of the tourism sector. Specifically, use the Scenario Writing Method, write ONE (1) mini probable OPTIMISTIC scenario forecast of the tourism sector a year from now (2021)

In: Economics

Define disability

Define disability

In: Economics

Newfoundland’s fishing industry has recently declined sharply due to overfishing, even though fishing companies were supposedly...

Newfoundland’s fishing industry has recently declined sharply due to overfishing, even though fishing companies were supposedly bound by a quota agreement. If all fishermen had abided by the agreement, yields could have been maintained at high levels.

Model this situation as a prisoner’s dilemma in which the players are Company A and Company B, and the strategies are to keep the quota and break the quota. Suppose that if both companies keep the quota, then each receives a payoff of $100, and if both break the quota, then each receives a payoff of $0. On the other hand, if one of the companies breaks the quota and the other keeps the quota, then the company that breaks the quota receives a payoff of $150, and the company that keeps the quota receives a payoff of -$50.

Instructions: Enter the players' payoffs in the payoff matrix below. Be sure to include a negative sign (-) in front of any negative numbers.

Company A



Keep quota

Break quota

                                                 Company B

                     Keep quota                                       Break quota

  $ for Company A

  $ for Company B
  $ for Company A
  $ for Company B
$ for Company A

$ for Company B
  $ for Company A

  $ for Company B

What is the dominant strategy for both companies?

Break the quota.
Neither company has a dominant strategy.
Keep the quota.

In equilibrium, what is each company's payoff?

Each company will receive a payoff of $0.
Company B will receive a payoff of $150, and Company A will receive a payoff of -$50.
Each company will receive a payoff of $100.
Company A will receive a payoff of $150, and Company B will receive a payoff of -$50.

Relative to the equilibrium outcome, both companies would be better off if they (Click to select)both kept the quotaboth broke the quota.

In: Economics

On the planet Homogenia every consumer who has ever lived consumes only two goods, x and...

On the planet Homogenia every consumer who has ever lived consumes only two goods, x and y, and has the utility function U( x, y) = xy. The currency in Homogenia is the fragel. In this country in 1900, the price of good 1 was 1 fragel and the price of good 2 was 2 fragels. Per capita income was 108 fragels in 1990. In 2000, the price of good 1 was 3 fragels and the price of good 2 was 4 fragels and per capita income increased to 120

a. The quantity of x that's consumed in 1990 and 2000 are: ______ and _______respectively

b. The quantity of y that's consumed in 1990 and 2000 are: ______. and ______ respectively

c. The Laspeyres quantity index for the quantity level in 2000 relative to the price level in 1900 is. ___________ (rounded to 2 decimals)

d. The Paasche quantity index for the quantity level in 2000 relative to the price level in 1900 is ____________(rounded to 2 decimals)

e. The Laspeyres price index for the price level in 2000 relative to the price level in 1900 is _____________ (rounded to 2 decimals)

f. The Paasche price index for the price level in 2000 relative to the price level in 1900 is ___________ (rounded to 2 decimals).

In: Economics

Outline of current policy in China aimed at addressing GDP. Describe measures currently or previously attempted...

Outline of current policy in China aimed at addressing GDP. Describe measures currently or previously attempted in the country to address the issue, and explain the impact of these on the population.

In: Economics

1. Explain what happens to the efficiency of free markets if: a) There is market power...

1. Explain what happens to the efficiency of free markets if:

a) There is market power exercised by buyers or sellers.

b) There are externalities

2. What is the relationship between a change in the size of a tax, and the change in the deadweight loss of the tax?

3. What is the best predictor of whether reducing a tax in a market will increase or decrease tax revenue? Explain.

In: Economics

Discussion True or False and Why? I would like you to evaluate whether the following statements...


True or False and Why?

I would like you to evaluate whether the following statements are true or false. Also, please provide your reasoning to support your answers.

Absolute vs. Comparative Advantage

Suppose that U.S. has an absolute advantage in the computer production compared to Germany, while Germany has an absolute advantage in the auto production compared to U.S. This implies that U.S. has a comparative advantage in the computer production and Germany has a comparative advantage in the auto production.

Production Possibility Frontier (PPF) vs. Consumption Possibility Frontier (CPF)

The Production possibility frontier is always the same as the consumption possibility frontier. (Hint: (Compared the case of no trade versus free trade)


Please make your initial post by midweek, and respond to at least one other student's post by the end of the week.

In: Economics

a) Use the internet, library, or other information source to research imports and exports for any...

a) Use the internet, library, or other information source to research imports and exports for any state or country in the world. Pick a country or state and discuss its import goods and export goods. You should include some dollar values or % of GDP figures

b) For the country you choose, discuss some possible sources of comparative advantage for that economy.

In: Economics

Use the following game to answer questions 8-10. Be sure to show all of your math...

Use the following game to answer questions 8-10. Be sure to show all of your math step-by-step.
Alcoa and Kaiser, duopolists in the market for primary aluminum ingot, choose prices of their 500 foot rolls of sheet aluminum on the first day of the month. The following payoff table shows their monthly payoffs resulting from the pricing decisions they can make.
High price
Low price
High price

$400, $500


$175, $575

Low price

$525, $200


$273, $250

Suppose Alcoa and Kaiser repeat their pricing decision on the first day of every month. Suppose they have been cooperating for the past few months, but now the manager at Kaiser is trying to decide whether to cheat or to continue cooperating. Kaiser’s manager believes Kaiser can get away with cheating for two months, but he also believes that Kaiser would be punished for the next two months after cheating. After punishment, Kaiser’s manager expects the two firms would return to cooperation. Kaiser’s manager ignores the time-value of money and does not discount future benefits or costs.

8. What is the monthly gain to Kaiser from cheating? What is the present value of the benefit from cheating for the two months of cheating?

9. What is the monthly cost of punishment to Kaiser? What is the pres­ent value of the cost of cheating for the two months of punishment?

10. Will Kaiser cooperate or cheat? Explain.

11. Suppose you were asked to manage a golf course that was currently charging a uniform price. Would you suggest that the course continue with this price plan or switch to a two-part pricing plan? Explain your decision and how you would choose the optimal price.

In: Economics

1.) Given the information below about Farmer Sally’s wheat crop, fill in the table below and...

1.) Given the information below about Farmer Sally’s wheat crop, fill in the table below and calculate her economic profit or loss when the market price is $3 per bushel. Hint: Recall that         MR = P under perfectly competitive conditions.

Bushels of wheat








Economic Profit or Loss







































  1. Graph Total Cost and Total Revenue on one graph and show the optimal point (either profit maximization or loss minimization).
  2. Graph MC, ATC, AVC, and MR on one graph and show the optimal point (either profit maximization or loss minimization). Shade in the area of profit or loss.
  3. If the price increased to $5 per bushel, what would be the economic profit or loss? How many bushels of wheat would Sally choose to produce?
  4. What is Sally’s shutdown point? Answer this question in terms of both a minimum price that she would have to get in order to produce and a minimum quantity that she would be willing to make at the minimum price.

In: Economics

Determine whether each of the following cases is an example of 1)horizontal fdi 2) vertical FDI...

Determine whether each of the following cases is an example of 1)horizontal fdi 2) vertical FDI 3)offshoring. Explain your reasonings for each use. . IS THIS AN EXAMPLE OF HORIZONTAL FDI, VERTICAL FDI OR OFFSHORING

a) toyota motor corporation , a Japanese automative manufacturer. owns multiple manufacturing facilities in the US

.b) Apple Inc, an American technology company , hires Foxconn, a multinational electronics contract manufacturer, for assembling Iphones in China.

In: Economics