that have you learned about yourself as a learner and student in transitioning to this environment?...

that have you learned about yourself as a learner and student in transitioning to this environment? Comment on your most significant accomplishments (academic and personal); some of the difficult challenges (academic and personal) you have faced and how you dealt with them? What advice would you offer to an incoming first year student ?

In: Economics

What do you see as the future of Ireland in the world marketplace? Write 2 paragraphs...

What do you see as the future of Ireland in the world marketplace? Write 2 paragraphs including citations.

In: Economics

Your firm is interested in learning more about how its salaries relate to its employees' tenure...

Your firm is interested in learning more about how its salaries relate to its employees' tenure with the firm. It has collected the following data for 25 of its employees.Plot these data points, and describe using regression how salary relates to firm tenure for this group. [In response, please provide excel details]

Employee Number Tenure (Years) Salary ($)
1 15 $53,408
2 32 $77,230
3 14 $53,664
4 20 $55,647
5 25 $60,611
6 14 $51,991
7 28 $71,071
8 30 $69,189
9 28 $67,359
10 17 $50,978
11 14 $56,176
12 6 $38,865
13 21 $58,176
14 11 $52,101
15 14 $50,941
16 32 $73,964
17 29 $67,873
18 33 $73,860
19 27 $60,519
20 16 $48,474
21 26 $69,574
22 3 $34,594
23 14 $52,176
24 9 $56,444
25 14 $57,806

In: Economics

Please provide some examples (two or three) of how some companies have run successful promotions, please...

Please provide some examples (two or three) of how some companies have run successful promotions, please be sure to cite those sources

In: Economics

Compare Nigeria and Iran institutions.

Compare Nigeria and Iran institutions.

In: Economics

What is the ease of doing business in Ireland? Write at least 2 paragraphs including citations.

What is the ease of doing business in Ireland? Write at least 2 paragraphs including citations.

In: Economics

What is the current status of Ireland in the world marketplace? Write at least 2 paragraphs...

What is the current status of Ireland in the world marketplace? Write at least 2 paragraphs including citations.

In: Economics

This question considers long-run policies in Cameroon. Assume Cameroon’s money growth rate is 7% and inflation...

This question considers long-run policies in Cameroon. Assume Cameroon’s money growth rate is 7% and inflation rate is 5%. Similarly, France’s money growth rate is 6% and inflation rate is 3%. Suppose that the world real interest rate is 2%. Use the associated conditions of the long run money market and exchange rate models to answer below questions. Treat Cameroon as the home country. The exchange rate is defined as Central Africa CFA francs per euro, EF/E.

i. What is the real income growth rate in Cameroon?

ii. What is the real income growth rate in France?

iii. What is the nominal interest rate in Cameroon?

iv. What is the nominal interest rate in France?

v. What is the expected rate of change in CFA francs per euro exchange rate?

Suppose that Cameroon wants to fix the value of CFA franc against the euro.

vi. What money growth rate must the central bank pick to achieve this objective?

vii. Suppose France experiences an increase in their inflation rate, which is now 4%. If Cameroon wants to maintain the fixed exchange rate regime, what will happen to its inflation rate?

In: Economics

Why has HIV/AIDS spread so quickly in South Africa and What has been the economic impact...

Why has HIV/AIDS spread so quickly in South Africa and What has been the economic impact of HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa??

In: Economics

Explain how person-to-person digital file sharing of songs and movies for free can lead, over time,...

Explain how person-to-person digital file sharing of songs and movies for free can lead, over time, to undersupply of these goods.

In: Economics

When market participants are allowed through their interactions to find the price, there will be equilibrium...

When market participants are allowed through their interactions to find the price, there will be equilibrium where the quantity supplied by buyers equals the quantity supplied by sellers. If this is the case, why might the government intervene in certain markets where externalities exist? Please give reasoning for both a positive and a negative externality. Why might the government intervene in the case where the good is a public good?

In: Economics

Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, the Federal Reserve lowered the short-term interest rates. We are also...

  1. Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, the Federal Reserve lowered the short-term interest rates. We are also expected to have a huge reduction in our aggregate output temporarily. Describe how these two factors will affect the profits of commercial banks and the various risks that they have. Explain your answer clearly.

In: Economics

A monopolist produces gizmos at constant marginal cost of 4 and no fixed cost. It recognizes...

A monopolist produces gizmos at constant marginal cost of 4 and no fixed cost. It recognizes that it has two types of customers. The demand curve of each type of customer is given by: Type-1 customer: ( ) p1 q1 = 18 − 2q1 Type-2 customer: ( ) p2 q2 =15 − q2 where qi (i = 1, 2) are the quantity demanded of type i consumer per period. While the monopolist knows the demand curves, it cannot identify the type of a given consumer. It is assumed that it has 10 customers in total per period, and five of them are of Type 1. a) The monopolist wishes to sell both types of consumers. Assuming it charges the same two-part tariff schedule to both types of consumers; derive the optimal two-part tariff schedule. What would be the resulting profit? b) Suppose that the monopolist engages in second-degree price discrimination. Derive the two-part tariff schedules that are incentive compatible for both types, and the resulting profit in this case

In: Economics

1. The Coronavirus Pandemic is an unprecedented event that has affected our lives in an extraordinary...

1. The Coronavirus Pandemic is an unprecedented event that has affected our lives in an extraordinary way. We can see its effects on our economy as well. Due to the pandemic, majority of the stock prices are plummeting. Savers who are holding these stocks are observing major declines in the value of their portfolios. Can savers have better outcomes in their stock market portfolios by changing the stocks they own? What would Efficient Market Hypothesis say about this? Start with explaining clearly what Efficient Market Hypothesis is.  

In: Economics

Apartheid has played a very important role in South Africa, impacting practically all aspects of South...

  1. Apartheid has played a very important role in South Africa, impacting practically all aspects of South African life.  Please comment on the economic legacy of apartheid and be sure to explain what apartheid was.

In: Economics