Let’s say that a firm has given itself the ‘green light’ to build factory #5. What...

Let’s say that a firm has given itself the ‘green light’ to build factory #5.

What forces will determine whether this firm will OBTAIN FINANCING for the factory? (in class we discussed a sum of $100 million)

2. Why may some firms DELAY previously planned construction projects in the next year?

3. In theory, what forces may influence a firm to build factory #5 in a country outside the U.S.?

4. What forces may influence a firm to build factory #5 on U.S. soil?

5. List and discuss some of the GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS a firm must deal with if it builds and operates a factory on U.S. soil.

6. What is “infrastructure”, exactly? Please give five examples

. 7. What role does infrastructure play in a firm’s decision to build factory #5 in one particular country?

In: Economics

1. Classify the following goods according to their excludability and rivalry. Explain your reasoning. a) Your...

1. Classify the following goods according to their excludability and rivalry. Explain your reasoning.

a) Your Facebook page.

b) A seat at the final game of the NCAA men's basketball tournament (go Duke!)

c) A pay-per-view movie on television.

d) Amazon's webpage.

e) Firefighting services.

f) A trip to space on Virgin Galactic.

In: Economics

San Jose Mercury News, March 31, 2020: “As classes go online, students want Stanford to lower...

San Jose Mercury News, March 31, 2020: “As classes go online, students want Stanford to lower tuition”: “Thousands of Stanford students are asking for a discount in tuition for this quarter --- up to 80% --- as, (as one student leader stated): “the online education will affect our EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE – (the caps are mine) – interacting with faculty and peers … (is)… a more ESSENTIAL PART of our time spent at Stanford” …. Online education “makes us UNABLE TO ENJOY AN EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE QUALIFIED FOR THE $10,000 (tuition only) that we spent for this Spring quarter”…. “if the experience is not IMMERSIVE, then IT IS NOT FULL AND DOES NOT DESERVE THE PRICE TAG”……. QUESTIONS!

A. Should students be given a discount on tuition this quarter (or semester) owing to classes going online? (you did not SIGN UP for this, right???) Why or why not? At Stanford? At EVC? Is there a difference?

B. Is your answer any different for GRADUATE students in law and medicine? Why or why not? C. Stanford has offered to let students take a quarter off, thus delaying… THE REST OF THEIR LIVES… your opinion, why may this solution be… ‘less than optimal’? D. Is it relevant that Stanford is sitting on MANY TENS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN ENDOWMENTS, --- one of the highest in the nation -- and could EASILY AFFORD to give their students a discount of 80% for one quarter?

E. WHAT SHOULD STANFORD DO? Offer an 80% discount? 100%? 50 %? 30%? No discount at all? Should it vary depending on the INCOME of the student and her family---- (just like the tuition itself, and room and board expenses)?

F. May we agree that students who were living in the dorms should be reimbursed for their HOUSING costs, given that they were KICKED OUT (evicted)? What about students who had been renting apartments from landlords in and around Palo Alto? Should they be treated differently? Why or why not? (Many landlords will suffer a huge drop in income in 2020) G. WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR MOST CHALLENGING OBSTACLE, IN TERMS OF TAKING AND COMPLETING YOUR CLASSES ONLINE, SINCE MARCH 10, 2020? IN YOUR OPINION, HOW HAS THE QUALITY OF YOUR EDUCATION CHANGED?


In: Economics

similarities of multinational corporation and global corporation in regards to their strategies.

similarities of multinational corporation and global corporation in regards to their strategies.

In: Economics

I need a really detailed answer Egyptian Pound went through some volatility since it was floated...

I need a really detailed answer

Egyptian Pound went through some volatility since it was floated in November 2016 until today. This could be broken down in 4 main phases as follows:

Phase 1: From floatation till June 2018

Phase 2: From June 2018 - December 2018

Phase 3: From January 2019 - February 2020

Phase 4: Coronavirus worldwide outbreak

what happened during each of the above 4 phases and in full details how these factors impacted the EGP exchange rate versus the Dollar?

In: Economics

I need a really detailed answer Egyptian Pound went through some volatility since it was floated...

I need a really detailed answer

Egyptian Pound went through some volatility since it was floated in November 2016 until today. This could be broken down in 4 main phases as follows:

Phase 1: From floatation till June 2018

Phase 2: From June 2018 - December 2018

Phase 3: From January 2019 - February 2020

Phase 4: Coronavirus worldwide outbreak

what happened during each of the above 4 phases and in full details how these factors impacted the EGP exchange rate versus the Dollar?

In: Economics

Please use the economics knowledge you have learned so far to analyze the case below. You...

Please use the economics knowledge you have learned so far to analyze the case below. You can propose your own questions and then answer them. Remember, there is no absolutely correct answer to this exercise. Its purpose is to provide you an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to think like an economist by applying economic principles to interpret the logic of a real-world phenomenon. Why Is JPMorgan Chase Laying Off Workers? Many workers lost their jobs during the 2007–2009 recession and the banking industry was hit especially hard. JPMorgan Chase, the largest bank in the United States, saw its profit decline by two-thirds from 2007 to 2009. By 2015, the U.S. economy and JPMorgan were well into a recovery, but banks were still struggling for three key reasons: Interest rates remained at low levels, increased regulation caused some banks to stop certain activities—such as making student loans—and technological change resulted in more activity taking place online. In May 2015, JPMorgan announced it would lay off 5,000 workers. Three other banks—Bank of America, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo—also laid off workers for similar reasons.

In: Economics

What do you think were the reasons why Korea’s economy did not develop in the past?...

  • What do you think were the reasons why Korea’s economy did not develop in the past?
  • What challenges did Korea face?
  • How could South Korea overcome these challenges?
  • What were some of South Korea’s first exports?

In: Economics

Tom Wilson is the operations manager for BiCorp, a real estate investment firm.  Tom must decide if...

Tom Wilson is the operations manager for BiCorp, a real estate investment firm.  Tom must decide if BiCorp is to invest in a strip mall in a northeast metropolitan area.  If the shopping center is highly successful, after tax profits will be $100,000 per year.  Moderate success would yield an annual profit of $50,000, while the project will lose $10,000 per year if it is unsuccessful.  Past experience suggests that there is a 40% chance that the project will be highly successful, a 40% chance of moderate success, and a 20% probability that the project will be unsuccessful.
The project requires an $800,000 investment.  If BiCorp has an 8% opportunity cost on invested funds of similar riskiness, should the project be undertaken?

In: Economics

1. What other ways have you seen YouTube used as a marketing platform? 2. Do you...

1. What other ways have you seen YouTube used as a marketing platform?

2. Do you think certain forms of YouTube marketing (recall your responses to the previous question) are more effective than others?

3. What specific examples of YouTube marketing can you recall?

In: Economics

how pollution fits as a externality?

how pollution fits as a externality?

In: Economics

what benefits undocumented immigrants get?

what benefits undocumented immigrants get?

In: Economics

If people believe that the economy’s output level is about to fall, how may their actions...

If people believe that the economy’s output level is about to fall, how may their actions aggravate the problem?

Why will some people suffer more than others from a downturn in economic activity?

In: Economics

What does Adam Smith consider to be the main cause of the wealth of nations? Why...

What does Adam Smith consider to be the main cause of the wealth of nations? Why does this factor have such a powerful impact on wealth?

In: Economics

2. The Second Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics says that any point on the contract curve...

2. The Second Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics says that any point on the contract curve can be supported by a competitive equilibrium. This question has you illustrate and explain this argument. Start with an Edgeworth box diagram for a two-person, two good economy. In your diagram assume that there is a total of 100 units of food and 100 units of clothing which will be split between two people (Person A and Person B).

(a) Let’s say that the initial endowment is quite unequal giving Person A 90 units of both goods and Person B 10 units of each good. Illustrate this endowment point in the Edgeworth box.

(b) Say that if A and B trade from this endowment point they would trade to an efficient point where A has 95 units of clothing and 86 units of food while B has the remaining units of each good. Add indifference curves to your diagram in (a) to show this situation.

(c) Add a contract curve to your picture (note that it must go through the point Person A and Person B trade to in part (b)). Draw the contract curve so that it just happens to also go through the point where A has 50 of each good and B has 50 of each good.

(d) According to the Second Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics a government could use redistribution and markets to attain the outcome on the contract curve where each person gets 50 of each good. Explain how this could be done and illustrate.

In: Economics