. Describe the theories of international trade, the International monetary system (IMF), and the balance of...

. Describe the theories of international trade, the International monetary system (IMF), and the balance of payments.

In: Economics

I am about to start my undergraduate thesis, I need an interesting topic related to business...

I am about to start my undergraduate thesis, I need an interesting topic related to business Administration. I would like to have any recommendation, preferably something with Marketing, Describe how the content and abstract would be. And how will be the research method to accomplish?

In: Economics

Consider the two investments shown below, only one of which can be chosen. They are one-shot...

Consider the two investments shown below, only one of which can be chosen. They are one-shot investments. Calculate AW2-1 assuming 14.7914 interest rate.


Alternative 1

Alternative 2


- 20,301

- 58,577






















In: Economics

Explain the factors that influence the organizational structure of MNCs.

Explain the factors that influence the organizational structure of MNCs.

In: Economics

Argentina’s peso was linked to the U.S. dollar through a currency board for ten years before...

Argentina’s peso was linked to the U.S. dollar through a currency board for ten years before it was cut loose. Why did Argentina peg its currency to the dollar in the first place? Then Briefly discuss Argentina’s Peso Crisis

In: Economics

Consider the Heckscher-Ohlin model with two countries, Home and Foreign, and two goods, carpets and tableware....

Consider the Heckscher-Ohlin model with two countries, Home and Foreign, and two goods, carpets and tableware. There are two factors, capital and labour, each of which can be used in the production of either good. Home is capital abundant whereas Foreign is labour abundant. Let PC and PT represent the prices of carpets and tableware, respectively. Assume that under autarky we have (PC/PT) Home < (PC/PT) Foreign. Moreover, assume that there is some degree of substitutability in production between capital and labour.

(a) Given the information above, which good is capital intensive and which good is labour intensive?

(b) Consider free trade between Home and Foreign. What is the trade pattern, i.e., which country exports and imports which good?

(c) As a result of trade, what happens to production of carpets and tableware (increase or decrease) in each country?

(d) As a result of trade, explain what happens to wage/rental ratio in each country as well as labour/capital ratio in each industry in each country?

(e) Who will support and who will oppose to free trade in each country?

(f) Now suppose that some of the workers from Home country migrate to Foreign country. (Assume that both goods continue to be produced after migration and goods prices are constant, i.e., does not change). Which factors benefit and which factors lose in each country? What happens to the production of each good in each country?

In: Economics

The Central Bank is keeping a fixed exchange rate at Epar such that the domestic currency...

The Central Bank is keeping a fixed exchange rate at Epar such that the domestic currency is overvalued by purchasing domestic currency. What does the Central Bank do to demand and/or supply of foreign currency?   Does this resemble the case of Lebanon or China?

In: Economics

Consider a simple financial market for a closed economy with government, such as might be crudely...

Consider a simple financial market for a closed economy with government, such as might be crudely representative of the world as a whole. a) Construct a diagram to represent this market and note and explain your choice of the variables on the vertical and horizontal axes.

b) Draw the saving supply curve and the investment demand curve, indicating and explaining which variables shift them to the right and left and why.

c) Imagine that this market faces simultaneous pessimism shocks. There are declines in what level of future income is expected by households and in the net rate of return on new physical capital that is expected by investors. Illustrate and explain how these shocks change the diagram and how you would expect the yield on long maturity assets to change.

d) Then use your diagram to further explain how this result might be affected in the short run by a rise in government spending, and hence a decline in government saving or an increase in sovereign debt.

In: Economics

What are present issues and problems for Huawei? What dilemmas or challenges they are facing now?...

What are present issues and problems for Huawei? What dilemmas or challenges they are facing now? Describe it specifically.

In: Economics

A project has a first cost P, annual savings A and a salvage value of $500...

A project has a first cost P, annual savings A and a salvage value of $500 at the end of its 10-year service life. It is also known that the IRR for this project is 11 %, and the payback period is 8 years. What is the project's first cost? (Don't use the $ sign and coma in your answer!)

In: Economics

Briefly describe the Nordhaus and Stern models of the economics of climate change, how they are...

Briefly describe the Nordhaus and Stern models of the economics of climate change, how they are similar, and how they differ.

In: Economics

Question 1) Thoroughly explain why there is a strong association between development and urbanism. A perfect...

Question 1) Thoroughly explain why there is a strong association between development and urbanism. A perfect answer will include a discussion of ALL the benefits and disadvantages of urban concentration. As well as a discussion of two well-known theory of city size and urbanism. Use only material provided in this course to answer this question. (24 pts)

In: Economics

For this question, using the AS-AD diagram and assume that the economy is initially operating at...

For this question, using the AS-AD diagram and assume that the economy is initially operating at the natural level of output. An increase in taxes will cause which of the following?

A) a reduction in output and no change in the aggregate price level in the short run

B) a reduction in employment and no change in the nominal wage in the short run

C) an increase in investment in the medium run

D) an increase in the aggregate price level, no change in output and no change in the interest rate in the medium run

In: Economics

Exploring a Hotel Franchise technology (Example Hotel 1,000 Seatle). Your job is to complete a very...

Exploring a Hotel Franchise technology (Example Hotel 1,000 Seatle). Your job is to complete a very thorugh detailed report on a hotel that is known for thier use of technology. Imagine you are the consumer and detailed very well eberything the consumer needs to know about that hotel. Breakdown each individual technology that is being used and how its being used to better the performance of the hotel. Why should these consumer consider the hotel that was picked and what are some uses that hotel havn't used that you think would benefit the hotel. Does the hotel have any plans to implement these technology in the future if not how would implement these in the futre. Give a small history lesson on the hotel and why the hotel decided to have technology play such a huge role.

In: Economics

( all answers combined must be in 500 words or less ) It is said that...

( all answers combined must be in 500 words or less )

It is said that economic crises (such as the economic recession) can be expected through the performance of financial markets in the period prior to them.

1A-) What is meant by that?

2A-) What is your personal opinion?

3A-) Using the graph, explain what is meant by the Yield Curve and the forms it takes?

4A-) By checking at it, do you think that this curve can be used as a future indicator for the performance of the economy?

( all answers combined must be in 500 words or less )

In: Economics