Discuss The Economics of Information in the second half of the 20th Century (maximum 1,000)

Discuss The Economics of Information in the second half of the 20th Century (maximum 1,000)

In: Economics

Explain to someone who knows the definition of inflation and not much else in economics why...

Explain to someone who knows the definition of inflation and not much else in economics why if expected inflation and/or inflation risk goes up, interest rates will also likely go up. More admiration for you if you use the present value, future value terminology and jointly present the case for interest rates and bond prices.

In: Economics

how does a multinational corporation chose to deal with its exchange rate risk. minimum 100 words

how does a multinational corporation chose to deal with its exchange rate risk.

minimum 100 words

In: Economics

How does COVID 19 effect the financial markets, real economy and healthcare systems of the BRICS...

How does COVID 19 effect the financial markets, real economy and healthcare systems of the BRICS countries??

In: Economics

Assume a closed economy without Government. However, there exists a financial sector that creates an array...

Assume a closed economy without Government. However, there exists a financial sector that creates an array of financial assets on which both households and firms invest. Let ? denote the average earnings from these financial assets. The consumption expenditure of the households is influenced by their wage income and the financial income and is given by ? = ?(?, ?); ?? > 0, ?? > 0, where ??, ?? are partial derivatives of consumption with respect to income ? and financial earnings ? respectively. Similarly, the real investment expenditure of firms is given by ? = ?(?, ?); ?? > 0, ?? < 0, where ??, ?? are the partial derivatives of the real investment with respect to income and financial earnings. Using either the Keynesian cross model or the Multiplier analysis, answer the following questions.

(i) Derive the relationship between output ? and financial earnings ?, and examine the analytical conditions under which the relationship is positive ( ?? ?? > 0) and negative ( ?? ?? < 0). [15]

(ii) Describe why the scenario where the expansion in output driven by the rise in financial earnings, i.e. when ?? ?? > 0, could make the economy unstable and vulnerable to crisis? [5]

In: Economics

- Explain the buying influences (four quadrants) - For buying influences in the growth mode, what...

- Explain the buying influences (four quadrants)

- For buying influences in the growth mode, what positives (revenue, retention, brand awareness, etc) could help them to increase growth?

- For buying influences in the trouble mode, what negatives (cost, waste, risk, etc) could help them to decrease trouble?

- For buying influences in the even keel or overconfident mode, what strategies could you use to deploy to move them to either a growth or trouble mode?

- What are two RESULTS (for each of the BI’s)? How do these RESULTS relate these BIs’ specific business concerns? How do these results improve or fix a process of concern?

- How do each of these two BIs WIN if the product/service is able to deliver these RESULTS?

In: Economics

You have been assigned to a leadership post, running the Multiagency Coordination System for an Emergency...

You have been assigned to a leadership post, running the Multiagency Coordination System for an Emergency Operations Center that has been set up in response to a category three hurricane strike. The disaster is widespread, and there has been a lot of competing requests for resources such as generators, law enforcement, food and water, as well as clothing.

When faced with these competing requests, how would you go about determining which to fulfill first?

What would be the main criteria for your decision?

How might you deal with any backlash created by those who you deemed lower on the priority list and – thus – did not initially receive resources?

In: Economics

How does inflation affect an emerging economy, use examples to evaluate the positive and negative impacts...

How does inflation affect an emerging economy, use examples to evaluate the positive and negative impacts of inflation on economic growth. include discussion on impact of aggregate demand and aggregate supply on economic growth.

In: Economics

1. GDP includes a. All final goods. b. All final services. c. Both final goods and...

1. GDP includes

a. All final goods.

b. All final services.

c. Both final goods and final services.

2. Which of the following is counted in US GDP?

a. Used car purchased by a student for his commute to school

b. Used oven purchased by a baker for her cake shop

c. Drill purchased by a construction company

d. b & c only

e. None of the above

3. Which of the following is counted in US GDP?

a. A New video game made in China but purchased in the United States

b. New growth in rainforests

c. A new quilt made by Jane and given to her grandmother for her 80th birthday

d. a & c only

e. None of the above

4. Real GDP controls for

a. changes in preferences.

b. changes in population.

c. changes in prices.

d. a & c only

e. a, b, & c

5. True or false: nominal GDP is always larger than real GDP.

a. True

b. False

6. True or false: real GDP is always larger than real GDP per capita.

a. True

b. False

7. True or false: if a country’s nominal GDP increases, it means the country is producing more goods and services.

a. True

b. False

8. Real GDP per capita in the US ____________ during the great recession of 2009.

a. increased

b. decreased

c. did not change

9. Real GDP per capita is positively correlated with all of the following except

a. malaria cases per capita.

b. life expectancy.

c. happiness.

d. education.

e. b & d only

f. a, b, c, & d

10. Real GDP per capita is usually used to compare the standard of living of

a. the same country at different points in time.

b. two different individuals at one point in time.

c. two different countries at one point in time.

d. a & c only.

e. None of the above.

11. True or False: Government purchases includes all of the following: social security payments, government employee wages, and tanks purchased by the government.

a. True

b. False

12. Measuring GDP using the national spending approach includes

a. Consumption.

b. Net exports.

c. Government spending.

d. a & b only

e. a, b, c

13. Measuring GDP using the factor income approach includes

a. Employee compensation.

b. Interest.

c. Profit.

d. b & c only

e. a, b, c

14. Which job is least likely to be negatively affected by increases in global markets and technology?

a. Plumber

b. Uber driver

c. Umpire

d. Factory worker

15. What percent of jobs in the US require some form of occupational licensing?

a. 15%

b. 25%

c. 40%

d. 50%

e. none of the above

16. Which of the following individuals are counted as unemployed?

a. A military soldier.

b. An adult who is out of work, wants a job, and applied to a job 2 weeks ago but not since then.

c. An adult in prison.

d. An adult who is out of work, wants a job, and applied to a job 5 weeks ago but not since then.

e. a and b only.

f. b and d only.

17. Complete the following equation: Unemployment Rate = (Unemployed/ ______________)*100

a. Employed

b. Labor Force

c. US adult population

d. US population

e. None of the above.

18. Since 1950, in which year was the unemployment rate 0%?

a. 1953

b. 1969

c. 1994

d. a and b only.

e. It’s never been 0%

19. Calculate the unemployment rate with the following data: Unemployed: 10 million, US Population: 200 million, Employed: 90 million

a. 3%

b. 5%

c. 8%

d. 10%

20. According to the video, the average unemployment rate between 1950 and 2015 was approximately

a. 0%

b. 3%

c. 6%

d. 8.5%

e. None of the above.

21. The official unemployment rate definition is

a. An adult out of work who has been looking for work in the past year.

b. An adult who is out of work and has been looking for work in the past 15 weeks.

c. An adult who is out of work and has been looking for work in the past 4 weeks.

d. An adult who is out of

22. Discouraged workers are unemployed individuals who say they want a job, but although they haven’t looked for work in the past ________ , they have looked in the past ________.

a. 4 weeks, 15 weeks

b. 4 weeks, year

c. 15 weeks, year

d. 2 weeks, 15 weeks

23. If we include discouraged workers as unemployed when calculating the unemployment rate,

a. Stays the same.

b. Doubles.

c. More than doubles.

d. Less than doubles.

24. True or false. It would be very beneficial for the US economy if we could greatly reduce or eliminate frictional unemployment.

a. True

b. False

25. If the news reported that 100,000 “new” jobs were created and there were 1,000,000 job separations in the United States in July 2016, how many new hires occurred in the US that month?

a. 100,000

b. 900,000

c. 1,000,000

d. 1,100,000

e. 1,500,000

25. In the above scenario, how many jobs are created for every job destroyed?

a. .1

b. .9

c. 1

d. 1.1

e. 1.5

26. Which of the following is a major cause of structural unemployment?

a. Short-term unemployment caused by college graduates searching for employment.

b. Large and long-lasting shocks to the economy.

c. Decreases in labor force participation amongst older workers.

d. a and b only.

27. Cyclical unemployment is defined as:

a. The amount of workers who have given up looking for work but would still take a job if it paid enough.

b. The natural rate of unemployment.

c. Unemployment correlated with business fluctuations.

d. Short-term unemployment caused by the difficulty of matching employees to open positions.

e. Persistent, long-term unemployment caused by long-lasting shocks to the economy.

28. Which of the following contribute to why wages are considered sticky?

a. People get upset when wages fall, particularly if they think their employer is causing the wage cut, which negatively impacts workplace morale.

b. If wages were easily cut, workers might respond by working less or disrupting their work, thus negatively affecting productivity.

c. Minimum wage requirements make it difficult to lower wages quickly or often.

d. All of the above.

29. The natural rate of unemployment is defined as:

a. Frictional plus structural unemployment.

b. Cyclical plus frictional unemployment.

c. Cyclical unemployment.

d. The rate at which workers retire from the labor force.

e. Structural unemployment plus the rate at which domestic jobs are replaced by outsourcing skills internationally.

In: Economics

As it relates to the Demographic segment, what are some implications of the "aging population", on...

  1. As it relates to the Demographic segment, what are some implications of the "aging population", on firms?
  2. As it relates to the Sociocultural Segment:  
    • Briefly discuss two industries that have benefited from the growing awareness about health and fitness.
    • Also briefly discuss two industries that have been adversely affected by this trend.

In: Economics

You should consider the case of a small to medium enterprise (SME) which may employ up...

You should consider the case of a small to medium enterprise (SME) which may employ up to 200 people. There are different sections in the enterprise, such as accounting, sales, purchases, marketing, human resources, and general administration. The enterprise has a web site with general information about the company, e-commerce functions, to enable online orders to be placed and deposits to be taken, customer relationship management, including form-to-email facilities, and an online job quoting system. These applications and other enterprise software packages are available on the company’s intranet, which stores its (confidential) corporate data. All employees have a company email address, a personal login for access to the company’s intranet. There is a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy implemented. The enterprise uses a cloud archiving service for all its corporate data.

Identify what you consider to be three of the most significant information security risks pertinent to Physical assets (Computer equipment, Communication equipment, Storage media, Technical equipment, Furniture and fixtures)?


Identify what you consider to be three of the most significant information security risks pertinent to Services (Outsourced computing services, Communications services, Environmental conditioning services)?

In: Economics

Please I need today answer for This question and it is very important and I need...

Please I need today answer for This question and it is very important and I need solution for this issue with all the details , and help me with all the details.Please write your answer to me by typning  not by hand writing, so that I can read and understand your answer clearly.thanks in advance/H

Q.1) Consider a government that contemplates extending the mandatory school system from nine years to ten years in primary school. You are now asked to give recommendation about the implementation and are thinking about estimating the model:

?i = ?0 + ?1 ?cℎi + ?i,

where ?i is the outcome (e.g. wage) of individual i, and ?cℎi is the years in school of the same individual. ?i is an error term.

a) Describe in words why estimating this model can give rise to omitted variable bias.

b) Explain the research design that Meghir and Palme (2005) use in their paper to estimate ?1

In: Economics

(DSR Chp 10, U6) Consider a small town that has a population of dedicated pizza eaters...

(DSR Chp 10, U6) Consider a small town that has a population of dedicated pizza eaters but is able to accommodate only two pizza shops, Donna’s Deep Dish and Pierce’s Pizza Pies. Each seller has to choose a price for its pizza to maximize profits. Suppose further that it costs $3 to make each pizza (for each store) and that experience or market surveys have shown that the relation between sales (Q) and price (P ) for each firm is as follows:

QP =12−PP +0.5PD.

Then profits per week (Y , in thousands of dollars) for each firm are:

YP = (PP −3)QP = (PP −3)(12−PP +0.5PD),

YD = (PD −3)QD = (PD −3)(12−PD +0.5PP).

(a) Use these profit functions to determine each firm’s best-reply rule and use the best-reply rules to find the Nash equilibrium of this pricing game. What prices do the firms choose in equilibrium? How much profit per week does each firm earn?

(b) If the firms work together and choose a joint best price, P, then the profit of each will be: YD = YP = (P −3)(12−P +0.5P) = (P −3)(12−0.5P). What price do they choose to maximize joint profits?

(c) Suppose the two stores are in a repeated relationship,trying to sustain the jointprofit-maximizing prices calculated in part (b). They print new menus each month and thereby commit themselves to prices for the whole month. In any one month, one of them can defect from the agreement. If one of them holds the price at the agreed level, what is the best defecting price for the other? What are its resulting profits? For what interest rates will their collusion be sustainable by using grim-trigger strategies?

In: Economics

what is the UN inclusive wealth index and how is it measured ?

what is the UN inclusive wealth index and how is it measured ?

In: Economics

Please I need today answer for This question and it is very important and I need...

Please I need today answer for This question and it is very important and I need solution for this issue with all the details , and help me with all the details.Please write your answer to me by typning  not by hand writing, so that I can read and understand your answer clearly.thanks in advance/

Q.1)) Many countries impose payroll taxes on employers and employees to fund the social security system. a) Assume that a country wants to impose a payroll tax of 1$ on employers for every employee-hour hired. What is the effect on both wages and employment in competitive labor markets? Both explain in your own words and illustrate your reasoning graphically. Clearly mark all the important points in your graph.

b) Would it be better to tax workers instead? Why or why not? What determines how much of the payroll tax is shifted to the workers? Only give a short explanation here, a graph is not needed.

In: Economics