a) Questions ask during obstetrical assessment
1. Do you have any health issues like cardiac disease,
hypertension, thyroid issues, anaemia, chronic lung disease,
seizure disorders, diabetes?
2. Explain your previous pregnancy loss, in which gestational
age?If there any placental or genetic abnormalities in the past
pregnency? explain about your pregnancy complications in the
3. Are you a smoker or alcoholic aur any history of drug usage
both prescription and non prescription?
4. Do you have any psychological issues?
5.Do you take any treatment for hormonal imbalances?
6.Do you have any history of sexually transmitted infection in
the past?
b)why this questions important?
Previous child bearing experiences have an important part to
play in possible outcome of prediction of the current pregnancy.A
systemic non- judgemental approach is required to elicit
information and encourage the women to talk freely about their
experience of previous births, miscarriages, or terminations. The
women may be more anxious about the pregnancy and will usually be
relieved when it progresses past date of previous loss. For
completeness of history, reference to old case notes should be made
to elicit all the relevant information. A risk assessment should be
carried out based on the women's obstetric, medical and social
history and current pregnancy.
2. Initial Screening and testing in current
- Examinations of blood; for hemoglobin
estimation,ABO and Rh grouping and test for VDRL. Screening for
blood glucose is done in selected cases.
- Urine is examined for protein, sugar, and pus cells. If protein
is found ," clear catch" specimen of midstream urine is collected
to test albumin. If protein is still present then full urine
analysis has to be done.
- Cervical cytology study by pap smear.
- Serological tests for rubella and hepatitis B Virus.
The aims of prenatal screening and testing are,
- To screen high risk case.
- To prevent or to detect and treat at the eariest.
- To ensure continued medical surveillance and prophylaxis.
- Maternal serum alpha feto protien (MSAFP) estimation or triple
test at 16-18 weeks to detect chromosomal anomalies like down
syndrome and neural tube defects. this types of chromosomal
anomalies occur more often with increasing age of
women.Moreover,Mrs.Nancy has a history of previous
miscarriages.Chromosomal abnormalities are behind the 60-70% of
first term miscariages.
- Ultrasound examination -Trans abdominal or trans vaginal -
Helps to detect gross fetal abnormalities,placental abnormalities
and any uterine adnexal pathology.
Risk of pathological conditions such as molar pregnancy and
antinatal haemorrhage is increased with aging of mother.
- Routine abdominal and vginal examination- To assess the
development of fetus and pelvis
4 answers
antenatal education
- Teach the importance of routine health checkup through out the
* Urine.weight, Hb estimation,,blood pressure should be checked
every visit.
* Ensure you receive IFA tablets and 2 doses of Tetanus
- Healthy diet, - a well balanced diet including, lean meats,
fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads, low fat diary products,
proper consumption of calcium, iron and folic acids.
- Drinking of enough fluids due to increased body demand and
avoid constipation
- Moderate intensity exercise activity as in advise of
- Adequate rest and sleep for 8 hours
- Always consult the MO if necessary orreferred.
- Personal hygiene prevents acquiring infection.
- Proper examination and care of breast,to prevent
- .Fraser ,Cooper( 2009) .Myles text book for midwives.fifteenth
edition,Churchil Livingstone,Elsevier publications.
- Dutta D C(2001)Text book of obstetrics,Fifth edition,Central