In: Nursing
Madison is a 10 year-old African American girl. She loves playing the piano and composing her own music. She is an avid computer wiz, taking after her father. She has designed all the family birthday cards and loves playing video games. When she comes home from school, she has a sweet snack, finishes her homework, and goes straight to the piano to practice. She spends hours at the keyboard, and by mealtime she says she is hungry.
Madison is 48 inches tall and weighs pound. Knowing that the family has a tendency to be heavier, her mother, Amy, is concerned about Madison's weight; Amy has been on and off Weight Watchers program for 15 years. Amy feels Madison should have more physical activity and needs to stop snacking on cupcakes and sweets. Madison is due for a preschool checkup. Amy is planning to ask the doctor for help with Madison's weight.
Obesety in childhood is a serious health problem which faced by whole world. It mainly attributed to lifestyle changes such as diet, low physical activity or socioeconomics factors. However, several evidences consistently showed that genetics contributes significantly to the weight-gain susceptibility.
A poor diet containing high levels of fat or sugar and few nutrients can cause kids to gain weight quickly. Fast food, candy, and soft drinks are common reason. Convenience foods, such as frozen dinners, salty snacks, and canned pastas, can also contribute to unhealthy weight gain. Some children become obese because their parents don’t know how to choose or prepare healthy madson also in same situation.
Not enough physical activity can be another cause of childhood obesity. People of all ages tend to gain weight when they’re less active. Exercise burns calories and helps you maintain a healthy weight. Children who aren’t encouraged to be active may be less likely to burn extra calories through sports, time on the playground, or other forms of physical madison always doing piano practice and spent most of her hours with keyboard. Nomore physical activities are there.
Healthy habits start at home. The best way to fight or prevent childhood obesity and weight problems is to get the whole family on a healthier track. Making better food choices and becoming more active will benefit everyone, regardless of weight.
The family, friends, schools, and community resources in a child's environment reinforce lifestyle habits regarding diet and activity.
If a parent is overweight and has poor diet and exercise habits, the child is likely to adopt the same habits.
Screen time, such as watching television, gaming, texting, and playing on the computer are activities that require very little energy. They take up a lot of time and replace physical activity. And, when children watch TV, they often crave the unhealthy high-calorie snacks they see on madson also like that only she spends most of her time with piano or in front of a computer.
Schools and community also play a major role in this.Having a safe community that supports outdoor activities at parks, or indoor activities at community centers, is important for encouraging physical activity. If a parent feels it is not safe to allow their child to play outside, the child is more likely to do sedentary activities inside.
Some children are at greater risk for obesity because of genetic factors. They have inherited genes from their parents that make their bodies gain weight easily.but genetic alone will not produce any childhood obesity in children.behavioural factors lifestyle changes also play a role along with this.
Parents can also make a huge impact on children’s health by getting involved with the details of their lives. Spending time with kids—talking about their day, playing, reading, cooking—can supply them with the self-esteem boost they may need to make positive changes.