
In: Nursing

discuss some surprising statistics from the national safety council website

discuss some surprising statistics from the national safety council website


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For almost 100 years, the National Safety Council has been keeping count of deaths from unintentional injuries, commonly called accidents, that occur annually in the U.S., to reveal the most significant safety threats facing Americans today. According to this year’s report, released in May, these types of preventable deaths are at an all-time high.

All in all, accidents kill more people every year than strokes, diabetes, or Alzheimer’s disease. Here are some of the more notable findings, based on the most current data:

  • There were 146,571 accidental deaths in the U.S. in 2015, up from 136,053 in 2014. The No.1 cause was unintentional poisoning, which has been on a steep rise, due primarily to prescription opioids, followed by heroin and benzodiazepines. Next up were motor vehicles and falls.
  • Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among 15- to 20-year-olds. In 2015, alcohol led to 10,265 motor vehicle fatalities, while speeding caused 9,557. On the rise is distracted driving, which contributed to 3,477 fatalities that year.
  • The lifetime odds of an American dying are 1 in 96 from unintentional poisoning (including drug overdoses), 1 in 114 in a motor vehicle crash, 1 in 127 from falling, 1 in 1,188 from drowning, 1 in 1,498 from fire or smoke, 1 in 3,461 from choking.

This all make it clear that the leading cause of death among The US citizens is accidents.

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