In: Nursing
Answer A.) Assessment of patient with Lower respiratory tract infection-
First of all we will look for symptoms-
The most common symptom is productive cough with green, white or yellow sputum.
Anterior chest pain increased by cough.
Shortness of breath.
Low grade fever
Chest tightness
On examination-
Tenderness on chest may be present.
Wheezing is present.
Decreased vocal fremitus due to fluid accumulation in alveoli.
Decreased breath sounds due to fluid accumulation.
In lab-
We will go for-
X-ray chest
Answer B.) Teaching for patient with LRTI-
Avoid dairy product if they increase sputum production.
Use pursed lip breathing at intervals and at the time of dyspnea to decrease rate and depth of breathing and improve Respiratory muscle coordination.
Be in most comfortable position during dyspnea.
Encourage frequent small meals to patient if patient is dyspneic as increase in abdominal pressure will increase pressure on diaphragm and further causes dyspnea.
Relaxation exercise to reduce stress and tension.
Answer C.) Medications for LRTI-
Since most LRTIs are viral, medications are generally not used in treatment. However, certain over-the-counter medicines may provide some relief from symptoms:
Other Treatments
In the case of serious LRTIs, treatment in a hospital may be necessary. Treatments for LRTIs in the hospital may include: