
In: Statistics and Probability

Find Mean, median, standard deviation,maximum and minimum. Number of divorces in February of 1996 per state....

Find Mean, median, standard deviation,maximum and minimum. Number of divorces in February of 1996 per state. 548,315,239,214,821,0,1290,1823,2654,3852,0,2678,4220,1573,1056,957,2076,164,218,446,1038,302,839,77,1912,528,2668,1277,3088,5003,1722,3385,1698,1143,653,0,1606,7668,360,451,263,0,887,1981,866,356,2725,1359,0,156,411,0.


Expert Solution


x x2
548 300304
315 99225
239 57121
214 45796
821 674041
0 0
1290 1664100
1823 3323329
2654 7043716
3852 14837904
0 0
2678 7171684
4220 17808400
1573 2474329
1056 1115136
957 915849
2076 4309776
164 26896
218 47524
446 198916
1038 1077444
302 91204
839 703921
77 5929
1912 3655744
528 278784
2668 7118224
1277 1630729
3088 9535744
5003 25030009
1722 2965284
3385 11458225
1698 2883204
1143 1306449
653 426409
0 0
1606 2579236
7668 58798224
360 129600
451 203401
263 69169
0 0
887 786769
1981 3924361
866 749956
356 126736
2725 7425625
1359 1846881
0 0
156 24336
411 168921
0 0
--- ---
x=69566 x2=207114564

The sample mean is

Mean = (x / n) )
=548+315+239+214+821+0+1290+1823+2654+3852+0+2678+4220+1573+1056+957+2076+164+218+446+1038+302+839+77+1912+528+2668+1277+3088+5003+1722+3385+1698+1143+653+0+1606+7668+360+451+263+0+887+1981+866+356+2725+1359+0+156+411+0 / 52

= 69566 / 52


Mean = 1337.81

Median :
Observations in the ascending order are :

Here, n=52 is even.

M=Value of(n / 2)th observation+Value of(n / 2+1)th observation / 2

=Value of(52 / 2)th observation+Value of(52 / (2+1)th observation) /2

=Value of 26th observation+Value of 27th observation / 2



Median =876.5

The sample standard is S

  S =( x2 ) - (( x)2 / n ) n -1

=(207114564-(69566)2 52 / 51)

=207114564-93065929.9231 /51

=114048634.0769 / 51



The sample standard is = 1495.41

Maximum Number = 7668

Minimum Number = 0

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