In: Electrical Engineering
Briefly describe (10 to 15 sentences) how an analog oscilloscope displays a periodic waveform. Assume the trigger is set to the same channel as the periodic waveform being displayed. Be sure to clearly describe the relationship between the trigger, oscillating signal, and CRT sweep rate. The reader should have a good idea why a periodic waveform appears stationary on the oscilloscope. You can sketch diagrams if that helps your explanation.
How an analog oscilloscope displays a periodic waveform?
Assume the trigger is set to the same channel as the periodic waveform being displayed.
The main
purpose of an oscilloscope is to graph an electrical signal as it
varies over time. Most scopes produce a two-dimensional graph with
time on the x-axis and voltage on the y-axis. We can measure
different characteristics of a waveform with an oscilloscope like
amplitude, frequency, DC offset and phase.
Some common waveforms which can be shown below as :
Our oscilloscope consists of four main systems which as the vertical system, horizontal system, measure system and trigger system.
Describe the relationship between the trigger, oscillating signal, and CRT sweep rate.
TRIGGER = An oscilloscope’s trigger function which synchronizes the horizontal sweep at correct point of the signal, essential for clear signal characterization. It controls allow us to stabilize repetitive waveforms and capture single-shot waveforms. It makes a repetitive waveforms which appear static on the oscilloscope display by repeatedly displaying the same portion of an input signal.