In: Economics
Describe how congestion charges should be structured to offset congestion externalities in economics.
In congestion charging the consumers of public goods are
subjected to congestion with excess demand like higher charges for
bus services, electricity, metros, railways, telephone and road
pricing to reduce the high charges by the companies. This pricing
strategy will regulate the demand through make congestion over the
companies to control over their supply. This makes the users more
aware about the impact of the environment. This charging system
will reduce the congestion in urban areas. But this congestion
pricing is not equitable for everyone and also create an economic
burden on neighbouring countries. It also increases the tax levying
In urban areas the congestion charges over road will ensure road
safety and efficiency in the public policies also. The
transportation and road congestion are considered as the most
growing challenge for sustainable mobility, transport policy and
urban governance. Congestion produce several externalities like
pollution, noise accidents etc. The implementation of this type of
charges will economically affect the middle income people. This
will leads to economic slowdown and sustainability of the economy
also. This congestion pricing system emerged due to the shortage
which creates exceeding demand over supply.