Different forms of sugar in food label
- Corn sweetner
- Corn starch
- corn syrup
- lactose
- maltose
- sugar syrup
- cane juice
- malt sugar
- Fructose
- syrup solids etc..
Hershey's chocolate syrup contains
- High fructose sugar syrup
- Corn syrup
- cocoa sugar
- potassium sorbate
- polysorbate
- artificial sweetners
- artificial flavours.
Digestion of sugar
- Sugar in the foods is absorbed by the body to provide energy
for the whole system.
- Simple sugars are glucose and fructose. Simple sugars doesnot
undergo series of steps and readily metabolised.
- But complex sugars like galactose and maltose etc undergoes
breakdown to simple sugars by liver and other metabolites and then
are absorbed by the body.
- Similarly higher order complex sugars like dextrins are broken
down to disaccharides and monosaccharides by enzymes present in the
intestine .
- Glucose and galactose are absorbed by the body through Na+
dependent transport .
- Fructose is absorbed by facilitated diffusion.
- the level of sugar in blood is maintained 5mmol/L. If the level
of the sugar goes down than this normal range , then the brain
directs to breakdown its glycogen stores and compensates
the sugar level .
- Similarly , if the sugar level is above 5mmol/L then again the
brain directs the liver to synthesise glycogen.
- Glycogen is reserved form of sugars and stored in the body in
terms of need.
- The circulating blood carries sugar and provides energy to all
over the body.