
In: Biology

Most forms of cancer are caused by



Most forms of cancer are caused by


The presence of two or more active copies of X chromosome in the genome.


exposure to environmental mutagens and infection by certain viruses.


exposures to cold temperature.


paternally inherited mutant alleles of mitochondrial genes only.


adopting liberal ideas.



Which description is the best definition of a stem cell?


A type of blood cell that does not have a nucleus, mitochondria or any other organelle.


A type of highly specialized lymphocyte which functions in adaptive immunity.


A cell that synthesizes autocrine signals and divides in an uncontrolled manner


A cell that metastasizes to other organs.


An undifferentiated cell that can differentiate into various types of cells when needed.


Which biotech method requires the use of the reverse transcriptase enzyme?


Therapeutic cloning


Genetic tarnsformation of planbts using Agrobacterium vectors


Pre-implantation diagnosis


Construction of a cDNA library.


Reproductive cloning


In eukaryotes, RNA processing of a pre-mRNA to create a mature mRNA includes


Removal of introns


Ligating exons together into continuous RNA strand


Addition of a poly A tail at the 3´-end of the RNA


Addition of the methylated G-cap at the 5â -end of the RNA


All of the above.



Genomic imprinting is


Suppression of a mutant phenotype because of a mutation in a different gene


Inactivation of a gene by interruption of its coding sequence


Organization of molecules in the cytoplasm to provide positional information


A mechanism by which enhancers distant from the promoter can still regulate transcription


The process of sex-specific DNA methylation during the formation of mammalian sperm and egg cell that differentially affects gene expression in the zygote.


When cells are exposed to DNA-damaging radiation (such as UV light), the p53 protein _______ the repair of the damaged DNA, and ________the transition from G1 to S phase to allow time for the DNA damage to be repaired.


induces; halts


inhibits, induces


inhibits; halts


induces; induces


All of the above is totally incorrect.



Familial Down syndrome is a result of which of the following?




meiotic nondisjunction


DNA methylation


Gene duplication




Eastern Europeans like to feast on smoked meats. Those first-generation Americans of Eastern European descent who adopt the North America diet have a much lower rate of stomach cancer than those who maintain their traditional old-country diet. This suggests that cancer is


primarily inherited, but the hemisphere of Earth on which people live influences cancer rate.


primarily inherited, but the Earthâ s magnetic field influences cancer rates


primarily inherited, and diet and other environmental factors have no influence on cancer rates


caused by environmental factors, therefore diet strongly influences cancer rate


caused by regularly listening to people with heavy Easter European accent in 50-min intervals.


Pericentric inversion occurs when a chromosomal segment is


translocated from one chromosome to its homologous pair.


broken off and lost forever.


translocated from one chromosome to an entirely different non-homologous chromosome.


broken off, ligated back to its original chromosome in an opposite orientation and it contains the centromere.


broken off and ligated back to its original chromosome in two copies in the proper orientation.



The phenomenon in which a gene determines a trait only under certain environmental circumstances (for example, below a certain temperature) but not under other conditions, is described as






Conditional phenotype


Gene interaction




Expert Solution

Answer :


Exposure to environmental mutagens and certain viruses.

Environmental mutagens include UV radiation, radioactive particles, certain chemicals etc.

Example of cancer causing virus is Epstein barr virus.


A stem cell is An undifferentiated cell that can differentiate into various types of cells when needed.

There are different stem cells. Most used now a days are embryonic stem cells, stem cell extracted from blood, bone marrow etc.


Construction of a cDNA library.

cDNA library is created from mature mRNA from a eukaryotic cell.

So it requires reverse transcriptase.


All of the choices are correct.

This is called post transcriptional modifications.

Introns dont code anything. So the are spliced. Exons are coding part and are glued.


Genomic imprinting is the process of sex specific DNA methylation during formation of mammalian sperm and ovumthat differentially affect gene expression in zygote.

DNA methylation is done to silence a specific sequence.

There is maternal imprinting and paternal imprinting.


P53 induce repair and halt G1/S transition.

P53 is tumour suppressor gene. They help to avoid error in DNA Processing.



Translocation Down's is generally called familial down's syndrome.


Caused by environmental factors and diet strongly influences cancer rate.

There is genetic predisposition and environmental factors. Stomach cancer has got a good association with smoked meat.


Include breakage and ligated back to its original chromosome in a reversed manner. This includes centromere.

In paracentric inversion centromere is not present.


Conditional phenotype.

This occurs in mutation.

Only under certain environmental factors the mutation is expressed.

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