
In: Computer Science

Give the address of R4, R6 in the following program.

 Give the address of R4, R6 in the following program.


 MOV A, #92H






 I. RAM ADDRESS OF R4 = 14H and R6=1EH




 III.RAM ADDRESS OF R4= 15H and R6=02H




Expert Solution

We can switch to other banks by using of the PSW register

1. Bits D4 and D3 of the PSW are used to select the desired register bank
2. Use the bit-addressable instructions SETB and CLR to access PSW.4 and PSW.

SETB PSW.4; bank 2 is selected on condition that PSW.3 is 0 ie not set

When both the PSW.4 and PSW.3 is set then Bank 3 is considered.

When in R4, A is stored, only PSW.4 is set. So, bank 2 is selected.

Hence Ram address of R4 is 14H according to the bank address.

When in R6, A is stored, both PSW.3 and PSW.4 is set ie 1. Hence Bank 3 is selected.

So, Ram address of R6 is 1EH according to the bank address

Therefore, Option (I) is correct.

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