
In: Nursing

Define and describe negligence, malpractice legal concerns about patient restraint, leaving against medical advise and false...

Define and describe negligence, malpractice legal concerns about patient restraint, leaving against medical advise and false imprisonment in nursing


Expert Solution

# Negligence is a failure to take reasonable care to avoid causing injury or loss to another person.

Negligence describes a situation in which a person acts in a careless manner , which results in someone else getting hurt or property being damaged.

# Malpractice is an instance of negligence or incompetance on the part of a professional.

A hospital or nursing home negligence case may arise if restraints are used without a doctor's order , used without adequate justification or used with inadequate monitoring of the patient , the misuse of restraint results in injury or death.

# Leaving against medical advice ( LAMA )defined broadly as patient's insistence upon leaving the hospital against the expressed advice of the treating team .

LAMA is an act whereby a patient takes discharge contrary to the recommendation or will of the physician.

# False imprisonment is the unlawful confinement of a person against their will.

False imprisonment happens when a patient is held involuntarily in a hospital , nursing home , other health facility. The person held had to reasonably believe they could not leave.

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