How should a community outreach program for stress be
The stress management institute offers several community
outreach programs , includingfree therapy groups and low cost
counseling services.
- the most common forms of stress interventions for comunity are
education, behavioural training, relaxation, cognitive
restructuring, and support groups
- working long hours and constantly jumping from task to task can
take a physical and emotional toll on any individual. taking even
few minute breaks fromtime to time help the body to relax and
conserve energy and will lead to a more productive day
- deep breath exercises can be very effective at reducing stress
- plan your practical , emotional, financial, and psychological
- eat hhealthy, well balanced meals
- keep a positive attitude
implimenting effective outreach:
- meet people whre thay are
- be respectful
- build trust and relationship
- get the word out in a non stigmatizing manner
- listen to the community