
In: Statistics and Probability

Use PROC GLM in SAS to test whether the mean number of insect deaths differs across...

Use PROC GLM in SAS to test whether the mean number of insect deaths differs across insectide 
types.  Use alpha= 0.05, and justify your answer by referring to either a test statistic value 
and table value, or by referring to a P-value.
data insectdeaths; 
 A 85
 B 90
 C 93
 D 98
 A 82
 B 92
 C 94
 D 98
 A 83
 B 90
 C 96
 D 100
 A 88
 B 91
 C 95
 D 97
 A 89
 B 93
 C 96
 D 97
 A 92
 B 81
 C 94
 D 99


Expert Solution

Treat insecticides as a grouping variable using class statement in proc glm

use model statement  


he mean number of insect deaths are same across insectide 


The mean number of insect deaths differs across insectide 

SAS code:

data insectdeaths;
A 85
B 90
C 93
D 98
A 82
B 92
C 94
D 98
A 83
B 90
C 96
D 100
A 88
B 91
C 95
D 97
A 89
B 93
C 96
D 97
A 92
B 81
C 94
D 99
proc glm data = insectdeaths;


The GLM Procedure

Class Level Information
Class Levels Values
Number of Observations Read 24
Number of Observations Used 24

The GLM Procedure

Dependent Variable: DEAD

Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F
Model 3 488.7916667 162.9305556 17.99 <.0001
Error 20 181.1666667 9.0583333
Corrected Total 23 669.9583333
R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE DEAD Mean
0.729585 3.264029 3.009707 92.20833
Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F
INSECTICIDE 3 488.7916667 162.9305556 17.99 <.0001
Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F
INSECTICIDE 3 488.7916667 162.9305556 17.99 <.0001

The GLM Procedure

Level of
Mean Std Dev
A 6 86.5000000 3.83405790
B 6 89.5000000 4.32434966
C 6 94.6666667 1.21106014
D 6 98.1666667 1.16904519

since F=17.99,p<.0001,


Reject Ho that all the 4 type insecticides means are equal

and conclude that there is sufficient evidence at 5% level of significance that

he mean number of insect deaths differs across insectide 

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