
In: Statistics and Probability

Using SAS. (Unemployed Females Data) Use PROC X11to analyze the monthly unemployed females between ages 16...

Using SAS.

(Unemployed Females Data) Use PROC X11to analyze the monthly unemployed females between ages 16 and 19 in the United States from January 1961 to December 1985 (in thousands).

Unemployed Data:

July       1 60572
August     2 52461
September 3 47357
October    4 48320
November   5 60219
December   6 84418
January    7 119916
February   8 124350
March      9 87309
April     10 57035
May       11 39903
June      12 34053
July      13 29905
August    14 28068
September 15 26634
October   16 29259
November 17 38942
December 18 65036
January   19 110728
February 20 108931
March     21 71517
April     22 54428
May       23 42911
June      24 37123
July      25 33044
August    26 30755
September 27 28742
October   28 31698
November 29 41427
December 30 63685
January   31 99189
February 32 104240
March     33 75304
April     34 43622
May       35 33990
June      36 26819
July      37 25291
August    38 24538
September 39 22685
October   40 23945
November 41 28245
December 42 47017
January   43 90920
February 44 89340
March     45 47792
April     46 28448
May       47 19139
June      48 16728
July      49 16523
August    50 16622
September 51 15499

Female Data:

375 384 383 326 344 375 419 424 429 399 376 288
360 376 360 381 354 301 333 339 316 352 378 360
388 398 377 383 449 415 429 369 414 462 447 403
409 390 380 438 431 426 348 394 396 451 384 491
466 454 442 475 401 406 385 380 422 397 430 433
421 374 401 451 465 456 469 466 412 427 414 384
328 395 381 360 383 383 403 425 422 414 382 390
320 412 437 421 450 442 450 412 422 372 375 392
356 392 426 442 426 406 392 426 445 464 379 409
497 459 513 549 447 445 432 514 565 557 601 582
587 560 590 556 582 527 585 556 574 556 582 583
644 620 618 623 546 568 595 605 598 592 558 595
549 637 568 605 594 567 545 545 592 576 593 603
631 614 617 546 632 673 732 593 693 730 731 733
802 755 805 751 855 769 800 825 799 802 765 827
760 781 769 766 752 751 761 873 750 758 772 791
813 781 797 802 782 838 756 764 796 781 780 679
748 759 749 756 802 754 792 772 769 731 746 741
712 723 698 746 754 735 722 737 728 773 723 741
738 765 748 707 808 746 773 751 721 731 735 701
762 783 796 803 806 765 781 768 812 854 858 818
856 897 817 872 895 825 922 915 902 908 911 919
861 827 855 867 836 916 828 835 792 771 757 756
712 733 746 728 707 666 636 676 696 654 613 677
705 680 699 650 687 638 670 555 631 676 659 689


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Here is the summary of the female data.

Overall summary of femaple unemployement

Female Data
Mean 599.3366667
Standard Error 10.0244367
Median 599.5
Mode 360
Standard Deviation 173.6283367
Sample Variance 30146.79932
Kurtosis -1.403647007
Skewness 0.000205273
Range 634
Minimum 288
Maximum 922
Sum 179801
Count 300
Largest(1) 922
Smallest(1) 288
Confidence Level(95.0%) 19.72738639

monthly unemployed females between ages 16 and 19 in the United States summary

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Mean 592 597.96 598.88 600.16 607.52 591.72 598.32 596.76 603.84 607.52 597.96 599.4
Standard Error 36.85508 35.41659 34.7902 34.41016 36.39167 35.64732 36.05934 36.13269 34.01155 34.14109 34.99212 35.45034
Median 631 620 617 605 594 568 595 556 598 592 601 603
Mode 712 781 #N/A #N/A #N/A 406 #N/A #N/A 422 731 #N/A 741
Standard Deviation 184.2754 177.083 173.951 172.0508 181.9584 178.2366 180.2967 180.6634 170.0578 170.7054 174.9606 177.2517
Sample Variance 33957.42 31358.37 30258.94 29601.47 33108.84 31768.29 32506.89 32639.27 28919.64 29140.34 30611.21 31418.17
Kurtosis -1.5452 -1.62671 -1.65528 -1.38597 -1.58039 -1.3641 -1.47104 -1.36892 -1.37678 -1.39679 -1.39949 -1.18967
Skewness -0.12555 -0.0252 -0.07708 -0.00777 0.042638 0.099529 0.036681 0.220241 -0.04446 0.014261 0.009379 -0.1287
Range 541 523 495 546 551 615 589 576 586 556 536 631
Minimum 320 374 360 326 344 301 333 339 316 352 375 288
Maximum 861 897 855 872 895 916 922 915 902 908 911 919
Sum 14800 14949 14972 15004 15188 14793 14958 14919 15096 15188 14949 14985
Count 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Largest(1) 861 897 855 872 895 916 922 915 902 908 911 919
Smallest(1) 320 374 360 326 344 301 333 339 316 352 375 288
Confidence Level(95.0%) 76.06514 73.09625 71.80344 71.01907 75.10872 73.57246 74.42281 74.5742 70.19639 70.46374 72.22018 73.16591

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