In: Statistics and Probability
I have figured out the SPSS part, can someone answer the questions?
Use SPSS to answer the following: Create a histogram to organize the following distributions of scores.
How does the distribution look like?
Normal curve, positive and negatively skewed?
Construct a grouped frequency distribution table.
Show the Mean Median and standard deviation of the data in your SPSS output.
How many scores lie within the class interval that is equivalent to 100% Scores:
28 54 65 53 81
45 44 51 72 34
43 59 65 39 20
53 74 24 30 49
36 58 60 27 47
22 52 46 39 65
SOMEONE is answering this incorrectly and not showing me STEP by STEP. Can someone please help me
At first please try to understand the frequency distn table.
After that I use SPSS to draw a histogram , normality test and also
descriptive statistics of the variable ABC (say). Please find SPSS
output in image format , then here is written all of my
explanations with frequency table below the output image.
Freq distn table :-
Class Class boundary Freq
20-29 19.5-29.5 5
30-39 29.5-39.5 5
40-49 39.5-49.5 6
50-59 49.5-59.5 7
60-69 59.5-69.5 4
70-79 69.5-79.5 2
80-89 79.5-89.5 1
Now in the spss at first I draw a histogram where mean is around 47 or 48. (attached spss output)
If you see the output you can see that histogram showing that most of the observations are tightened with 40-60 units. Median is the middle most value , mode (highest freq) is somewhat between 46-50. Also mean is around 47. So we know that in normal distribution mean = median = mode. So we can say that the data is normally distributed.
Next step :-
For validating our result we should check the normality test at 5% significance level.
our null hypothesis is that the data comes from a normal distribution.
and output shows that p value is greater than the acceptance level that 0.05.
So we accept our null hypothesis , that is data is normally distributed.
One thing you should take in mind that for positively skewed data mean is greater that mode.
And for negatively skewed data mean is less than the mode.
You can also see the boxplot in the output window for understanding it.
Further I show the descriptive statistics of the variable.
where mean = 47.83
standard deviation = 16.020
Maximum value = 81
minimum value = 20
Please find the SPSS output in image format. and look at it one by one. I have been attached 5 files , please go through it in ascending order.
Note :- Here minimum = 20
maximum = 81
so I took the range of frequency table from 20 to 90 and each class is with the class width 10.