Explain the difference between the two types of
waiting line models: Single-Channel Waiting Line and
Multiple-Channel Waiting Line. Provide UAE-related
example for each
Discuss the basic purpose waiting line models. Then, discuss
several advantages and disadvantages of waiting line modeling and
clearly explain the reasons for your choices.
The post office uses a multiple channel queue (M/M/C), where
customers wait in a single line in front of two service providers
for the first available window. If the average service time is 1
minute and the arrival rate is 7 customers every five minutes,
find, the average number of people waiting in line?
23.4 persons
2.4 persons
1.34 persons
0.11 persons
In problem
24 what is the average time the customer is in
0.192 minutes
0.26 minutes
What is the difference between n-channel MOSFET and p-channel
MOSFET? Explain it based on your understanding (operating
principle, IV curve, application, etc.).