In: Psychology
Discuss the significance of specific multicultural factors you would consider important in relation to treatment for alcohol use disorders.
There are several specific multicultural factors that are important in relation to treatment for alcohol use disorders-
1. The treatment prgram attempt should consist personnel from the same ethnic group. It has been found in some studies if the treatment program consists of members of other ethnic group, there is lesser attention and awareness towards them.
2. Geogaphical areas as nearby localities- Patients avoid and neglct the treatment facilities situated in the remote areas or distict geographic regions, even different communities. Therefore treatment units should be in the same geographic areas.
3. Cultural recovery- The person being treated has to gain ethnic identity and social network back again. There has to be a spiritual, cultural, moral and religeous commitment again in the life of a patient.
4.Family involvement- In some communities, family involvement is very crucial. The pace of a patient's recovery depends upon the extent to which family of a typical community is involved in the treatment process.