In: Psychology
Organizational Culture: Organizational culture originates from the founders of the organization based on the value system held by them. It is further passed on, down the line. Organizational culture is also a function of the nature of the work and goals of the organization. It is visible from the organizational structure. Organizational culture is an important aspect of organizational success. Once the organizational culture is established, it is the duty of managers to ensure that all workers respect the organizational culture and run the organization as per its philosophy. It is the duty of the management to lay down an organizational mission, which is achievable.
There are certain ways of how a manager can develop a culture of strategic thinking here we discuss only two:
1. Employees should be properly inducted into the organization. The organizational policy should be laid down procedure in this respect. The individual employee should be briefed on the organization's structure, his department, and the immediate superior to whom he is to report. On the job training would go a long way for the growth of an employee. Induction also involves laying down a career path for the managerial cadre. Training and development programmes, promotional cadres should be planned on a regular basis so that an appropriate message is passed on the employees. The senior managers to ensure that organizational culture is enriched by their way of handling things under stress and strain where emotions have to be controlled and canalized in the desired direction. It is here that the employees receive a positive signal of the level of organizational culture. Less productive workers should be encouraged and not treated as second-class citizens of the organization. Good managers are able to support and reinforce existing organizational culture by being strong role models and by handling situation that may result deviation with skill and diplomacy.
2. The leader articulates a vision for the organizational culture that employees can believe in. The leader defines and communicates central values that employees believe in and will rally around. Values are tied to a clear and compelling mission or core purpose. The leader heeds the-day-to-day activities that reinforce the culture vision. The leader makes sure that work procedures and reward system match reinforce the values.