Answer) Idea generation is a thought process involving our
thoughts ,existing things,assumptions and problems,it is combining
such different elements and turn it into something
meaningful,following are the three techniques which can be used to
generate ideas(with examples from supply chain field)
- What if analysis-Consider different questions about an existing
model and analyze it through different models such as what if
instead of trucks in a model something more cost efficient can be
used or what if a particular project would be used in different
circumstance,what modifications would it require or how can a
current model be made better like if a supply chain model requires
3 days to complete,what idea can help it get done in 2 days.
- Writer 's block-A lot of times writers are unable to think of
what to write,the best way to proceed is to write everything you
know or everything you want should be there or things which you are
not aware of and make a kind of draft,similatly our friend here can
think everything s/he knows about subject,does want to know and
what s/he feels is important to know,once everything is there,ideas
will start coming out.
- What would legends do-Think of a person you really admire,like
in supply chain field think of a legend ehich could be your
teacher,someone who has built some model in supply chain field or
someone who is head of supply chain side of company you admire,talk
to them,listen to how they work ,how they generate ideas and solve
problems,what according to them is the need in supply chain field
and then process all those thoughts into a focused idea.
Thus above 3 techniques can not only help you to generate new
ideas but think of subject and problem in a completely different
Answer is complete.Thank you!