
In: Computer Science

How to make a python program that imports only turtle and math library where I can...

How to make a python program that imports only turtle and math library where I can click once on the screen to set the center of the square, move the mouse to define the edge-length of the square; click a second time to draw the square with the defined edge-length and center point?


Expert Solution

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import turtle

def get_mouse_click_coor(x, y):

    global centerClick,centerCoordinates

    if centerClick == 0:

        centerCoordinates = (x,y)

        centerClick = 1


        edgeCoordinates = (x,y)

        centerClick = 0

        drawSquare(centerCoordinates, edgeCoordinates)

def drawSquare(center, edge):

    #calculate difference

    x = abs(center[0] - edge[0])

    y = abs(center[1] - edge[1])

    #set edge length

    if y > x:

        sideLength = y * 2


        sideLength = x * 2

    #create turtle

    square = turtle.Turtle()


    #go to center coordinates


    for i in range(2):



    #draw square


    for i in range(4):



#start program

wn = turtle.Screen()

# wn.bgcolor("light blue")

centerClick = 0



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