
In: Computer Science

Write a program in Python where you can swap only two consecutive elements. You have to...

Write a program in Python where you can swap only two consecutive elements. You have to show all steps to convert a string into another string (both strings will be anagrams of each other). E.g. GUM to MUG GUM GMU MGU MUG


Expert Solution

# Python program to check if two strings are anagrams of

# each other


# Function to check whether two strings are anagram of

# each other

def areAnagram(str1, str2):

# Create two count arrays and initialize all values as 0

count1 = [0] * NO_OF_CHARS

count2 = [0] * NO_OF_CHARS

# For each character in input strings, increment count

# in the corresponding count array

for i in str1:

count1[ord(i)] += 1

for i in str2:

count2[ord(i)] += 1

# If both strings are of different length. Removing this

# condition will make the program fail for strings like

# "aaca" and "aca"

if len(str1) != len(str2):

return 0

# Compare count arrays

for i in xrange(NO_OF_CHARS):

if count1[i] != count2[i]:

return 0

return 1

# Driver code

str1 = "geeksforgeeks"

str2 = "forgeeksgeeks"

# Function call

if areAnagram(str1, str2):

print "The two strings are anagram of each other"


print "The two strings are not anagram of each other"

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