
In: Computer Science

Illustrate, by example, how a C++ struct may be passed as a parameter by value or...

Illustrate, by example, how a C++ struct may be passed as a parameter by value or by reference. Also, show how it can be returned from a function. Be thorough in your example and explain your code.


Expert Solution


Passing a structure as parameter by reference is just same as passing an integer as reference.

In the same way a structure can be returned if it is declared as a return type.

In the example I have created a structure called pointer with 2 attributes x and y.

I used a call by reference function to set the values of the structure point.

I also defined a function midPoint which takes 2 points(structure) as argument and returns the midpoint which is also of type point.



using namespace std;

//Creating a structure for point
struct point
        float x;
        float y;

//A fuction that uses call by reference to set values to the point
void setPoint(point &p);

//A function that returns midPoint of 2 points
point midPoint(point a,point b);

//Driver function
int main()
        //Declaring two points a and b
        point a,b;
        //Setting values to point a
        //Call by reference to set values to the point B
        //Creating a  Point for midpoint
        point m;
        //Printing the details
        cout<<"Point a ("<<a.x<<","<<a.y<<")"<<endl;
        cout<<"Point b ("<<b.x<<","<<b.y<<")"<<endl;
        cout<<"MidPoint ("<<m.x<<","<<m.y<<")"<<endl;

void setPoint(point &p)
        cout<<"Enter value of x and y : ";

point midPoint(point a,point b)
        point m;
        return m;


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