
In: Computer Science

list.h file #ifndef LIST_H_ #define LIST_H_ struct ListNode { long value; struct ListNode *next; }; struct...

list.h file

#ifndef LIST_H_
#define LIST_H_

struct ListNode {
long value;
struct ListNode *next;

struct ListNode *list_prepend(struct ListNode *list, long value);

int list_length(struct ListNode *list);
struct ListNode *list_remove(struct ListNode *list, long value);

#endif /* LIST_H_ */

given.c file


#include "list.h"

struct ListNode *list_prepend(struct ListNode *list, long value) {
struct ListNode *node = malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode));
node->value = value;
node->next = list;

return node;

list.c file


#include "list.h"

/* Counts and returns the number of nodes in the given list. */
int list_length(struct ListNode *list) {
return -1;


/* Searches the given list for the first node containing the given
* value. If such a list element is found, it is removed from the list
* and freed
* Returns the resulting list after any adjustments are made. */
struct ListNode *list_remove(struct ListNode *list, long value) {
return NULL;


Expert Solution


#include "list.h"

/* Counts and returns the number of nodes in the given list. */
int list_length(struct ListNode *list) {
   int count = 0;
   while(list != NULL){
       list = list->next;
   return count;

/* Searches the given list for the first node containing the given
* value. If such a list element is found, it is removed from the list
* and freed
* Returns the resulting list after any adjustments are made. */
struct ListNode *list_remove(struct ListNode *list, long value) {
   if(list == NULL) return NULL;
   struct ListNode* current = list,*prev = NULL;
   if(list->value == value){
       list = list->next;
       return list;
   while(current != NULL && current->value != value){
       prev = current;
       current = current->next;
   if(current == NULL) return list;
   prev->next = current->next;
   return list;

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