
In: Economics

Three firms can supply a college with some application software. Each firm has a different pricing...

Three firms can supply a college with some application software. Each firm has a different pricing structure: the first firm provides a site license which costs $130,000 and can be used by anyone at the college. The second firm charges $1000 per user and the third charges a fixed amount of $40,000 for the first 60 users and $500 for each additional user.

  1. Draw a graph of each cost function on the same set of axes.
  2. What advice can you give the college about which company to use?


Expert Solution

Each of the three firms offers a different cost structure. The costs for the college can be broken down into variable and fixed costs.

  • Firm 1 has a fixed cost of $130,000 and no variable costs
  • Firm 2 has no fixed costs, but variable costs of $1000 per user
  • Firm 3 has a fixed cost of $40,000 for the first 60 users, and $500 for every extra user after 60


Thus, for the college,

C1 = 130,000

C2 = 1000x

C3 = 40000 + 500y (where y = the number of students above x = 60)

where, C is the cost to the college, and x is the number of users


Graphically, the three cost functions are as under:


If the college has a very large number of students, any number greater than or equal to 240, they should select Firm 1.

If the college has a small number of students, any number less than or equal to 40, they should select Firm 2 or Firm 3. Both will have the same cost.

If the college has more than 40 students but less than 240, they should select Firm 3.


Firm 1 is ideal for a very large college, as it gives unlimited access for $130,000.

Firm 2 is ideal for a small college of 40 students or less, as it has a per student cost only.

Firm 3 is ideal for a mid-sized college, between 40 and 240 students. It also offers flexibility, if the number of students above 60. However, if the number is more than 240, it is too costly.

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