In: Computer Science
You will conduct a systems analysis project ( car rentals ) by performing 3 phases of SDLC (planning, analysis and design) for a small (real or imaginary) organization. ( car rentals )The actual project implementation is not required (i.e. No coding required.)
This project should follow the main steps of the first three phases of the SDLC (phase 1, 2 and 3). Details description and diagrams should be included in each phase.
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Project Title : Car Rental System Analysis Project
Project Description: CAR RENTAL SYSTEM (CRS) is a web based system for a company that rents out cars. This system enables the company to make their services available to the public through the internet and also keep records about their services.
Introduction : The advancement in Information Technology and internet has greatly enhanced various business processes and communication between companies (services providers) and their customers. This project is designed to be used by Car Rental Company specializing in renting cars to customers. It is an online system which customers can register, view the available cars and their specifications, and book a car.
The scope of this project is as follows:The car rental system to keep detail records of both the cars and the customers, the duration they rent car as well as the type of car they rent. The system will be mainly design for small a company that renders it car rental services to customers.The system will have the ability to generate and print invoice for each successful transaction.
Core Problem To Be Solved :
Getting a rental car helps people get around despite the fact they do not have access to their own personal car or don't own one at all.
So, in the existing system, the individual who needs to rent a car has to go in the office where they can look for a car, get it on rent, and then book their car, and do the manually paper work. Beside problems such as data growth and security, calculating the cost of renting depending on type of the car and the number of days manually. So, it became harder to control the car rental process.
Therefore, developing an online system for car rental provides features like time efficiency to show car details, the available cars, the prices, and booking a car online, also user profiles and getting feedback from the customer to the admin online. This system increases customer retention, satisfaction, and simplify managing car rental process and business.
Requirement analysis and definition
The system’s services, constraints and goals are established by consultation with system users. Once these have been agreed, they must be defined in a manner which is understandable by users and development team. For example project scope, objectives.
System and software design
Using the requirement definition as a foundation, the requirements are divided into software and hardware. This is called system design. Software design is the process of representing the functions of each software system in a manner which may readily be transformed to one or more computer programs. Use case diagrams, class diagrams, sequence diagrams, entity relationship diagrams (ERD) and data dictionary are use at this level to represent the system design
Several different types of stakeholders can be noted when it comes to our software.The most obvious are those that requested for this software: the CEO and company board members. We made note to critical details on what the company wants, how they want it, and how it should benefit both them and their clients. We plan to keep them in the know 24/7,keeping them informed on what is being planned for their new software. This allows for the CEO and board members to be aware of what they are getting from their new software.Any local or district managers are also influenced by the software’s stability. How easy the software is for the employees in turn represents how well the manager is able to guide them through it.The employees will also be affected by the use of the software, it is not only their obligation to learn the software, but for us to make it easily learnable. In this case there will be days dedicated to teaching the employees how to run the software for an easy navigational experience. Their input will also go into the testing process, making sure everything is to their liking and runs efficiently and effectively.
In our project which consist of developing the old system of car
Rental Company into a whole new
system, we will use several tests to ensure the full functionality
and accuracy of the system, these tests are called feasibility
study. This feasibility study uses four standards to measure a
Operational feasibility
Technical feasibility
Economic feasibility
Schedule feasibility
Actually some feasibilities take short time to finish if the system
request include building new system or large changes, but
fact-finding should be required.
Operational feasibility:
After developing new system the company should know that some of
the system users will find difficulties dealing with the new system
because of their skills or the Disparities in the levelsto use the
new system, therefore, the company should provide a proper training
to raise the level of the employees knowledge who are unable to
dealwith the new system as well as taking into consideration the
cost that will be added to the budget which should be provided by
the company.A full support was given to us by the administration
department prior to the beginning of implementing the new system
development, which will facilitate the development task. The
company also must provide appropriate work environment to provide
and encourageemployees to handle easy
the new system smoothly in order to increase productivity and reach
the desired objectives and the benefits of development the current
system. After the development of the system the company should
appoint legalstaff to work on the development of laws regulating
the work on the use of the system and through the development of
laws that protectthe rights of all parties. The example of
policy is, the using of the Internet and preserve the secrets of
the work.
Technical feasibility:
Through the interview, which was held with the company's management
the vision became clear to us from the requirements point of view
concerning necessary tools for the development of the new system,
purchase, installation and operation of the system of technical
resources. So we must takebinto consideration the following
Technical expertise: Provide the company's technical experts if
necessary and their
mission work to follow up the work order after the operation, as
well as make sure to provide
all the necessary equipment from the software, and network
resources in the absence of
availability has to be provided and obtained without difficulty and
to ensure that begin the
process of development and to ensure the approval of senior
Compatibility with existing technology and Scalability: The
current system is
technically incompatible with existing technology and therefore we
must build a new system
which has the ability to adapt with current and future technology
needs. After the
development of the system, there will be able to expand technology
and the most important,
secure IT environment.
Reliability: After the development, the system will be connected
to work in a secure
environment, in addition to working in an integrated manner with
other company and also
interact with clients or customers confidentially and
Performance: The interview with the company's management shows us
that the company
has a strong desire to develop the system and this desire will help
us to work on developing
the ability to perform most of the functions required a way that
satisfies all parties
(Management - employees - customers - all users) and this is what
will guarantee the
performance of outstanding after the development of the
Economic feasibility:
If we look at the current system, we will find that it may result
in some jobs, but if we compare what provided by the current system
of financial profits, we will find that the current system takes
great effort and time for little financial profit. In addition to
the lack of access to the required number of customers to gain the
expected profits. But after the development of the system it is
expected to save the time and effort which will result in
increasing the financial profit after one year of evolution. For
the management of the company, it has been decided that the
development of the system will cost a budget estimated
approximately 300,000 dirhams Based attic will look at all the
costs, which include:
Hardware and equipment
Software, including in-house development as well as purchases
from vendors
Formal and informal training
Licenses and fees
Consulting expenses
Facility costs
The Iterative Waterfall Model is the development methodology that will be used in this project to develop the CRS. This Model is derived from the evolution of the Traditional Waterfall Model. It consist of five phases, which include; the Requirement and Definition, System and Software Design, Implementation and testing, System testing, Operation and maintenance. Each of these phase is repeated if an error is discover, this enables the correction of errors before moving to the next phase.