In: Operations Management
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Give an example of a B-corporation or a Cooperative or a CSR initiative of a for profit corporation that impressed you for its social responsibility and explain why.
In an Organization, when ‘Social purpose’ is at its core area of accomplishments, then it takes efforts to create a social value as well towards the stakeholders in order to achieve the Business goals. This results further in integrating the initiatives of Corporate Social Responsibility to that of its Business goals.
An organization that has successfully embodied this platform is Tata Consultancy Services. In India, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is a well-known company in the field of Services provided to U.S., Africa and at various other places which extremely well known for its pro-feminist ideologies to set an appropriate example to the community to promote the concept of Social Responsibility. A great deal of favorable policies are formulated for the women employees while an entire organizational culture is created that support the feminist ideologies on part of both, the female as well as the male employees. Be it their leave structure or work from home options or dedicated women-focused shuttle services, etc., TCS has successfully reached out to the world with the ideas of feminism.
In order to increase the Organizational behavior and culture, with the blend of Business ethics and Ethical Governance, various steps could be undertaken such as establishing ethics in Decision making, formulating Code of Conduct in the Business operations, etc. Ethical values have always formed a core culture of this Organization, TCS, and its CEO has a strong bend towards “socially responsible behavior: Tata’s culture has rather remained socially responsible since ages together and rather generation. Hence it is certainly not a marketing strategy but something that comes from within.