In: Psychology
According to a variety of sources, your attitude is the #1 factor in getting or losing a job. Why do you think attitude is rated highest? How does an employer get a sense of one’s “attitude” during an interview? How would you define a positive attitude? A negative attitude? Developing a positive attitude starts from learning to believe in one’s self. In order to believe in ourselves, we must first understand our personal strengths. List and discuss your personal strengths and how they may be beneficial to would be employers.
Attitude mean a point of view ,a thinking or a feeling about something .And if have a positive thinking which means positive attitude than yes you will definitely get the job .And if you have a bad attitude towards your job than you can lose it.
If a person goes for an interview the employer from starting admires the person who I has come form interview. The sense comes after years of experience, and they also see how you response to the question ,your behaviour, how you sit, they will twist and ask the question and how you response to it they judge your attitude .
A positive attitude mean positive thinking , and positive thinking leads to feel you good ,which helps in your work and you will do it will full spirit .So a positive attitude towards job is much needed thing.
If you had a bad morning like you had a fight with you parents this can change your attitude and it can turn into bad thinking and it will effect your work fir the entire day .You can indulge in fight with your colleagues also .Bad attitude is always harmful for work .
Belief in yourself is the most important thing in life. If you
belief in your self than you can achieve what ever you want. Every
individual has its own strength and weaknesses and my strength
I am punctual with my work.
I try to learn new things and I also make sure that I learn what I
don't know.
I can adjust myself in any work environment.
I am friendly and because of this I have very good relation with
many people .And at my work also I have colleagues who are like my
I have positive attitude towards my work.
These are few strength which I have .
If you have all these strength than you will never have any difficulty in your work .Because every thing which I said will benefit . A friendly relation with employees will help when you get stuck in any difficulty. All above strength will benefit you in many ways ,from shaping your personality ti become a good employee .