In: Computer Science
You were introduced to some common administrative commands in this chapter. However, there are other utilities that come with other Linux distributions that were not mentioned in the textbook, such as: linuxconf, LISA, YaST, and TurboUserCfg. Using the Internet, man/info pages, or other reference books as a research resource, write a short paper describing any two of these administrative utilities. Be sure to detail what these utilities do, and what distributions they are typically packaged with. Also, no student is allowed to copy large portions on a source. Each student is required to write in his or her own words what was learned by reading a source.
YaST Command:
YaST Command Line Options
Besides the text mode interface, YaST provides a pure command line interface. To get a list of YaST command line options, enter:
yast -h
Starting the Individual Modules
To save time, the individual YaST modules can be started directly. To start a module, enter:
yast <module_name>
View a list of all module names available on your system with yast -l or yast --list. Start the network module, for example, with yast lan.
Installing Packages from the Command Line
If you know a package name and the package is provided by any of your active installation sources, you can use command line option -i to install the package:
yast -i <package_name>
yast --install <package_name>
package_name can be a single short package name, for example gvim which is installed with dependency checking or the full path to an rpm package, which is installed without dependency checking.
Disabling Syncing with rug
Normally, all YaST installation sources are synced with zmd daemon and rug. If you have a problem with syncing between YaST and rug, disable syncing and repair your configuration by removing the problematic source and adding a functional source. To disable syncing, issue the following command:
yast inst_source norug
The command does not switch off syncing permanently.
Command Line Parameters of the YaST Modules
To use YaST functionality in scripts, YaST provides command line support for individual modules. Not all modules have a command line support. To display the available options of a module, enter:
yast <module_name> --help
If a module does not provide command line support, the module is started in text mode and the following message appears:
This YaST2 module does not support the command line interface.
An interactive configuration and activation utility.
This utility allows you to configure the following topics
One key difference between Linuxconf and other configuration utility is that Linuxconf take care of the activation.
As an example, if you elect to make some portion of your hard drive available to other machine (export a file system or a portion of it) via NFS (Network File System), Linuxconf will not only help you entering the configuration information but will start the NFS server.
If you change your mind later and delete the NFS configuration, Linuxconf will stop the NFS server.
2. Command line usage
Linuxconf is an interactive utility. It may be used as a command line utility. It is useful to do script. Furthermore, Linuxconf has several alias allowing you to enter directly into one of its functionality. Here they are.
3. The WWW interface
Linuxconf may be operated from an Web browser. To access Linuxconf on your machine, point your browser to
From there, you will have access to the same menu like the normal user interface. You may even set book marks allowing you to get back quickly to one configuration screen later.
3.1 Specific entries to the WWW interface
A special entry point has been created, allowing users to change their own password from a browser. To access this, you must use a special URL. We suggest that you encode this URL in one of your corporate HTML page (change your own password, click here). The URL is
4. General information
Linuxconf has been written at Solucorp by Jacques Gelinas (
Comments and bug reports are accepted via email.
Most screens do have a help button. You can access this buttons using the TAB key or directly using the F1 function key.
Some fields have a companion pop-up selection list. These fields are identified with a down pointing arrow at the right end. You can depress the cntl-X key (Control and X at the same time) to activate the pop-up. You can pick a choice and either confirm the selection with the ENTER key or TAB your way to the QUIT button.
The function key F3 escape from any dialog.
5. Mailing list
There are two mailing lists for linuxconf. There are and
5.1 is used to ask question and discuss various aspect of linuxconf. To subscribe to this list, send a message to
Include the following line in the body of the message
subscribe linuxconf
Optionnally, you can specify another subscription email address by appending to the line like this
subscribe linuxconf
You can send message to It is possible to send messages without being subscribed
linuxconf-announce is used to send various messages about new releases. This list is not moderated. This means that anyone who have an announce about linuxconf may use it.
To subscribe to linuxconf-announce, send a message to
Include the following line in the body of the message
subscribe linuxconf-announce
Optionnally, you can specify another subscription email address by appending to the line like this
subscribe linuxconf-announce
Then you can send your announce to Please restrict yourself to announce. Questions and comments are more appropriate in the linuxconf mailing list.
5.3 Unsubscribing
Send a message to either
with the word unsubscribe in the body.