Mainly there are five types of organization's. They are :
1) Line organization or Scalar organization - In such type of
organization all the business related activities are divided into
three parts which are , accounting, production and sales . Now
there are sub divisions under every parts and each part or division
has their own head and concerned with their own activities. All
these divisions work for their areas and collectively contribute to
meeting company's goals.
Advantages :
- The division of authority and responsibility is properly
decided so that there remains no confusion and work will go without
hurdles being created. Each one gas its authorities and
responsibilities very clear .
- It is helpful in taking fast and accurate decisions.
- Because the duties and responsibilities of every individual is
known and fixed, it is hard to committ mistakes and if done it can
easily be detected.
- It helps in maintaining a discipline in the organization and us
also easily understood.
- It incurs less cost as each one has their own works distributed
so loss is less including time and money .
- There may come a lack of specialization, as every divisions
needs an expert in that particular area to head the department or
- There may be huge work load on the one heading the divisions
and has more works to take care of. Hence it creates more burden on
one particular individual.
- Due to overburden certain tasks may be ignored which could lead
yo losses in organization.
2) Functional organization: In this type of organization, people
with specialized in a particular feild are selected to perform that
particular function in every department and divisions of the
organization. This way individuals are selected on the basis of
their function and their specialization in that particular
- It has a positive affect on the quality of work done as work is
done by someone specialized.
- There is no overloading if work on a particular individual
- Wastage of material and resources are very minimum as the work
is done by experts and are under their observation.
- Here mass production is possible with best standardization and
- Workers can get getter training and kniwknowl by the experts in
doing and understanding their work.
- There can be problem in controlling process as the one being
expert in any area would feel himself superior than anyone else in
the organization and hence to control thdm becomes little
- It is possible that the experts would demand a high cost which
would ultimately increase the cost if production.
- If the experts make mistakes, there is no one in the
organization to detect that and correct it. And later on it will
have negative impact on the organization leading to losses.
- It us possible that individual s will be doing shifting of
3) Line and staff organization: In such type of organizations,
staffs are being appointed by organizations to assist the line
officers in their work by their specialized works as managers are
not able to control and oversee every activities taking place.
- It will have positive affect on quality of production.
- Comparitively the wastage of resources will also be reduced
- There will be discipline as because of presence of line
managers with the experts .
- Knowledge from experts can ge utilised tere for expert
- Cost of production may rise as it includes experts and stafs
with specialized knowledge who will demand high rates.
- The higher management may become indisciplined as because of
lacking the responsibilities for upper level managers.
- Little less expert guidance to workers if compared to
functional organization.
4) Line , staff and functional organization: It is the
combination of all the three line , staff and functional
organization. The employees and workers are under specific foreman
who maintains discipline and outputs for each divisions. The person
leading or inspecting various functions will have full authority to
control and looking after the quality of production. There are
specific department for research process to cempete with others in
the market.
- All the functions arecwell managed in any organization
- Organization can positively compete with others in market
- It leads to making profit for tte organization
- It is time taking .
- Every process is related and concerned with other process and
disturbance in one can lead to overall disturbance.
- There is increase in responsibilities fir certain
5) Committee organization: Thys consists of a group of people
who advice the organization in certain circumstances. They
basically form the procedures and rujes in any organization. Their
work ys to five advice.
- Proper formulation of rules and their inplimplementain the
- Dyscipline us mainrained in the organization.
- People in the organizations favour these rules framed as they
are passed by their decisions only. Commitee only advices but does
not implement.
- It leads to formulation of other groups that require extra time
and efforts.
These are the advantages and disadvantages of the types of