In: Operations Management
write minutes of a meeting using Microsoft Word Name of the organization Date and time the meeting Those present and those who could not attend A list of the agenda items/topics Summary of discussion for each agenda item The actions people committed to Summary of any decisions made
of the meeting of Human Resource Department of ABC corporation to discuss the prevailing circumstances due to COVID-19 held on 19th April in the office of the President- Human Resources Management. The following members were present.
1. Vice President- Human Resource Management
2. General Manager- Recruitment and selection
3. General Manager- Performance Appraisal
4. General Manager- Training
5. General Manager- Compensation and promotion management
6. General Manager- General administration
7. General Manager- Labor union affairs
8. Welfare officer
9. President- Human Resources Management (in the chair)
The meeting started with director welcoming all the members. The director apprised the members of prevailing circumstances and the need to follow the directives of government. The members briefly discussed the present circumstances and its potential impact on human resources department as well as entire ABC Corporation. The agenda of the meeting is as follows:
1. To discuss the ways and methods to implement the government orders.
2. To draw a strategy for work from home and work from office.
3. To discuss the matters related to compensation and promotion.
4. To discuss the matters of attendance and general discipline.
5. To discuss the scheduled on job and off job training programs.
6. To discuss the plans for recruitment and selection.
The members discussed the above points in depth and following points were considered
Item 1: The board unanimously passed the resolution that directives of government must be followed in letter and spirit. All the members pledged to follow social distancing norms and practice hygiene. A committee was formed to effectively implement the government directives with welfare officer as its chairmen and General Manager- General Administration, General Manager- - Labor union affairs as its members. The committee was tasked with the responsibility of receiving the directives of government from to time and implementing them.
Item 2: The members discussed the possibility of lower workforce at office. The members deliberated the concept of work from home for the Assistant managers and below cadre. It was decided that all the employees from Assistant manager cadre will attend offices on a rotation basis; each day only 30% of them will work from office and the rest will work from home. A committee was formed under the chairmanship of Vice President- Human Resource Management and General Manager- General Administration to draw schedule and manage the routine of employees working from home and working from office.
Item 3: The members unanimously passed a resolution that there will be no reduction of wages; all the employees will be paid full wages. However, there will be no enhancements in payments up to three months from now. Similarly, all promotions will be stopped up to three months from now. The members agreed that only routine and important works must be carried on and all other aspects must be deferred.
Item 4: It was decided that bio-metric will be immediately suspended and attendance will be recorded on paper as a measure to contain the possible spread of virus. The members discussed the general discipline and it was agreed that all the employees must maintain their attendance and maintain self-discipline and follow all the directives of government issued from time to time.
Item 5: The members discussed the issue of training programs at length. The members explored the possibilities of conducting on the job training programs. However, it was decided to put off all the scheduled training programs and comply with the resolution adopted in item-3 to carry on only the routine and important work. However, a committee was formed to discuss the possibility of online training. The committee will be chaired by General Manager- Training.
Item 6: The members unanimously agreed that the process of recruitment and selection must be deferred as of now. However, the General Manager- Recruitment and selection pointed out the possibility of online tests and interviews. Vice President- Human Resource Management supported this initiative and President- Human Resources Management suggested that dedicated software must be designed to conduct the process of recruitment and selection. The members agreed that this website will be of immense use even after the end of this pandemic. General Manager- Recruitment and selection suggested that President of IT and operations must be handed over this task. The president Human Resources Management kindly accepted this suggestion and assured that he will soon have a meeting with IT department to discuss this issue.
The meeting came to end with thanks from the President- Human Resources Management