In: Operations Management
5. Much of traditional advertising now incorporates some form of online promotion or information, even if it is as simple as including a website URL on a magazine, newspaper, or television advertisement. Each of the web addresses below leads to the online component of a traditional media ad campaign. Review each site and then answer these questions: What added value does the online component bring to the campaign? What other ways could the advertiser incorporate digital media in the campaign? Why would a consumer go the website, and why would he or she stay?
Online marketing provides more information, content , pictures as compared to traditional marketing like- catalogue, prices, places the product is available and much more. The cost of digital marketing is much lower as compared to the traditional. The online component also keeps a record of the customer database and provides more return on investment. The sharing on online marketing is easy and thus targets a larger market area. It also attracts the customer more as compare to the traditional marketing.
Using of social media like Facebook and Instagram are the most
popular measures. E-mails is also an option to taget the customer
base. Advertisements on popular websites like youtube and other
The idea of going to the website could be to have more information
maybe about the products available, target places, knowledge about
price and checking the reviews of the customers who have already
brought the product. It is to check the authenticity know the brand
image of the company. If the information is able to attract his
attention and he is convinced with the great service he will