
In: Computer Science

Explain why has information visualization nowadays become a key element in business intelligence and business analytics....

Explain why has information visualization nowadays become a key element in business intelligence and business analytics. What is the difference between information visualization and visual analytics?


Expert Solution

-->Reasons of information visualization become a key element in business intelligence and 
analytics business: 

*Information visualization becomes a focal point in business intelligence and analytics business, 
because Information visualization aids for making and distributing the profitable business 

*It is a key to offering the rapidly understanding of difficult information. This can be verified by 
Minard's graphical depiction of Napoleon's defeat. 

*Visualization is especially essential when progressively more difficult information. 

o Because the business intelligence (Bl) and analytics are all regarding creating the "high 
quantity" , "fast-moving", "in interconnected data", It IS natural that information Visualization would be a focal point in business intelligence's and analytics business. 

*The companies of business intelligence are taster to add the "information visualization" and 
"visual analytics" into their goods and services. 

-->The difference between INFORMATION VISUALIZATION AND VISUAL ANALYTICS are as follows ...

Information visualization

**Information visualization is the
study of visual representations of
theoretical data to strengthen the
human understanding.

**It is designed to answering regarding
what happened and what is

**It is related to business Intelligence
such as scorecards, routine reports,
and so on.

Visual analytics

**Visual analytics is a result from
visualization and
scientific visualization fields which
mainly focus on analytical

**It is designed to answer regarding
why is it happening and what is
more possible to occur.

**It is related to business analytics
such as correlation analysis,
predicting, and so on.

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