In: Computer Science
From the e-Activity, explain in your own words the purpose of the Software Engineering Institute’s (SEI) exercises regarding team communication, and determine whether or not you believe this type of testing and analysis is a beneficial use of resources. Justify your answer. Based on the testing and analysis described in the e-Activity, indicate the two most important things that you believe are needed in order for cross-team communication to be successful when dealing with potential widespread incidents
1st part -
The purpose was to emphasize the significance of appropriate and effective communication in incident response (IR) and to point out how easily communications can break down and hinder the goals of IR. I believe that any challenge that tests a team’s procedures or processes to identify weaknesses so they can be corrected is always rewarding. It is highly recommended that vulnerabilities are detected or identified and dealt with before actual incidents occur. The SEI exercises can be an eye opener for any company developing their own CSIRT. The exercise can also be done within their own company to know what their weakest link is. The exercises help a group of individuals see how people communicate with one another. They wanted to see if people would be proactive in searching for other people that they may not have known before. The researchers also wanted to see if people would follow orders, which is one of the most basic things, but sometimes people like to do it their own way. This type of testing is beneficial to any and all companies and should be done at least once.
2nd part -
I believe that someone taking charge of the situation is important. People often need guidance. It doesn’t matter if a person has thirty years of experience or one a leader can make sure that every body is assigned a job and that they are doing it. A leader can also make sure that everybody is kept up to date on the situation. Another important thing that I believe is needed to being organized, you may have a leader but if they don’t organized the team it can all fall apart quickly.