In: Operations Management
Reflection Questions
Think about your reasons you would consider a career in sales and the reasons you would not consider a career in sales.
Write a 1 page reaction to the following statements about sales positions. Share any experiences you might have either as a buyer or a sales person, either positive or negative.
Statement 1: Sales people push products on people
Statement 2: You don’t need a degree to work in sales, anybody can get a job in sales.
Statement 3: Salespeople are born, not trained.
Reasons for considering a career in sales are-
1. High earning potential
2. A degree is not necessary for success
3. The option for flexible work hours
4. Can easy find work in any industry
5. A strong foundation of career growth
6. Excellent future job outlook
7. Gives high market value
8. It is a challenging career
Reasons for considering a career in sales are-
1. Have to travel away from home
2. Have a sales quota
3. Salesperson has a sleazy reputation
4. Selling can get boring because it is a repetitive process
5. There is a lot of rejection
Statement 1: Sales people push products on people
Reaction- In most of the cases it is true salesperson push products on people and if these products fail to meet expectations of customers then they feel disappointment and get angry on that specific salesperson. Sales person try their hard to convince people to buy a specific product which they are selling and they tell their benefits which are not exactly a product have but just to make sales they use this tactics.
Experience- one day in the afternoon one sales person came to sale one product which is slim belt and tells me if you use it you will lose 10 kilograms in just 10 days. You do not have to do exercise just tie this belt on your stomach for the whole day and then see result after 10 days. I said no initially but he continuously forcing that product on me and finally I was convinced and purchased that product in $200, then from next day I started using it but nothing happened to my stomach fat, my weight is same after using 20 days. From that day I decided not to purchase any random and un-useful thing.
Statement 2: You do not need a degree to work in sales; anybody can get a job in sales
Reaction- Yes, this is true sales job is not about having degree, it is only about having talent to convince people and make them listen to you (salesperson). A great sales person may have not the specific degree for being successful in sales job but it is his talent which makes him successful.
Experience- Once I encounter with a sales person who easily convince me to buy that product which he is selling and when I asked him about his job and qualification, he told me that he is only a college going boy, who earn for his pocket money. He has no specific qualification and he is doing this job for 2 years.
Statement 3: Salespeople are born, not trained
Reaction- Most likely salespeople are not born, but some personalities are a natural fit for sales. Nobody born with an instinctual selling attitude, it can be developed. Top salespeople are born with natural instincts that play an important role in determining their sales career success. Most salesperson may enter selling job with an attitude for selling, but they certainly not born with it, they learned most of it throughout development. Salespeople are made but no made in short span of time, it takes years of development to acquire that attitude for sales.
Example- Once I heard from my colleague about a person who is a great sales person. When he was born he was very introvert, do not want to talk to anybody, after his 12th he started changing his behavior and slowly- slowly he developed himself. After 7 years he was perfect for sales job, he developed that attitude.
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