
In: Statistics and Probability

Asch (1952) conducted an experiment to determine if a person’s impression of another individual is influenced...

Asch (1952) conducted an experiment to determine if a person’s impression of another individual is influenced more by the first information they receive about someone or by information they receive later. He presented a series of positive and negative adjectives describing a hypothetical person to two groups of individuals. One group received the positive adjectives first and the other group received the negative adjectives first. After reading both lists of adjectives, each member of each group rated their impression of the hypothetical person.

Independent Variable(s) _____________________________________________

Levels of the IV(s) __________________________________________________

Dependent Variable _________________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the DV _______________________________________

Between (Independent) or Within (Dependent) Subjects Design ______________

Statistical Test Chosen _______________________________________________

2. A cigarette company wants to know if different levels of nicotine to which a person is

     exposed (none, 10mg, and 20mg), will influence number of errors made on a hand-

     eye coordination task and whether the difference is greater for males or females.

Independent Variable(s) _____________________________________________

Levels of the IV(s) __________________________________________________

Dependent Variable _________________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the DV _______________________________________

Between (Independent) or Within (Dependent) Subjects Design ______________

Statistical Test Chosen _______________________________________________

3. Do low anxiety students differ from high anxiety students in number of items correct on timed tests?

Independent Variable(s) _____________________________________________

Levels of the IV(s) __________________________________________________

Dependent Variable _________________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the DV _______________________________________

Between (Independent) or Within (Dependent) Subjects Design ______________

Statistical Test Chosen _______________________________________________

4. Do persons who are single, divorced, or married vary in their rating of life as Dull,

     Routine, or Exciting?

Independent Variable(s) _____________________________________________

Levels of the IV(s) __________________________________________________

Dependent Variable _________________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the DV _______________________________________

Between (Independent) or Within (Dependent) Subjects Design ______________

Statistical Test Chosen _______________________________________________

5. Is there a difference between males and females on how often they bathe/shower

     per week?

Independent Variable(s) _____________________________________________

Levels of the IV(s) __________________________________________________

Dependent Variable _________________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the DV _______________________________________

Between (Independent) or Within (Dependent) Subjects Design ______________

Statistical Test Chosen _______________________________________________

Do overweight individuals eat faster than normal weighted individuals?

Independent Variable(s) _____________________________________________

Levels of the IV(s) _________________________________________________

Dependent Variable ________________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the DV ______________________________________

Between (Independent) or Within (Dependent) Subjects Design _____________

Statistical Test Chosen _____________________________________________

7. A movie studio wants to know if different levels of violence in movies affects the

     number of aggressive acts emitted per hour by six-year-old boys and girls. One

     group of children watched a movie with low levels of violence, and another group

     watched a movie with high levels of violence. Their behavior was then observed and

     rated on 10 point scale ranging from not at all aggressive to extremely aggressive.

Independent Variable(s) _____________________________________________

Levels of the IV(s) _________________________________________________

Dependent Variable ________________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the DV ______________________________________

Between (Independent) or Within (Dependent) Subjects Design _____________

Statistical Test Chosen _____________________________________________

8. Do ratings of lectures vary according to the number of visual aids used? A group of

     professors was asked to give the same lecture to three different audiences. In the

     first lecture, they used no visual aids; in the second, they used a few; and in the

     third, they used many. The ratings for each lecture were then compared.

Independent Variable(s) _____________________________________________

Levels of the IV(s) _________________________________________________

Dependent Variable ________________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the DV ______________________________________

Between (Independent) or Within (Dependent) Subjects Design _____________

Statistical Test Chosen _____________________________________________

9. Do undergraduate and graduate students differ in the type of programming that they

     prefer – news or sitcoms? Students were asked which type of programming they


Independent Variable(s) _____________________________________________

Levels of the IV(s) _________________________________________________

Dependent Variable ________________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the DV ______________________________________

Between (Independent) or Within (Dependent) Subjects Design _____________

Statistical Test Chosen _____________________________________________

10. Is there a relationship between attractiveness ratings and the number of years that a

      politician holds a public office?

Independent Variable(s) _____________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the IV _______________________________________

Dependent Variable ________________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the DV ______________________________________

            Statistical Test Chosen _____________________________________________

11. Do tenured faculty and non-tenured faculty receive approximately the same

      instructor ratings in course evaluations?

Independent Variable(s) _____________________________________________

Levels of the IV(s) _________________________________________________

Dependent Variable ________________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the DV ______________________________________

Between (Independent) or Within (Dependent) Subjects Design _____________

Statistical Test Chosen _____________________________________________

12. Does the noise level in the factory relate to how many units each worker produces?     Workers who were in low noise areas, moderate noise areas, and loud noise areas

       in a factory were compared in productivity.

Independent Variable(s) _____________________________________________

Levels of the IV(s) _________________________________________________

Dependent Variable ________________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the DV ______________________________________

Between (Independent) or Within (Dependent) Subjects Design _____________

                Statistical Test Chosen ____________________________________________

13. Is there a relationship between the number of hours a student spends on social

      activities per week and their GPA?

Independent Variable(s) _____________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the IV _______________________________________

Dependent Variable ________________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the DV ______________________________________

            Statistical Test Chosen _____________________________________________

14. Do teachers rate problems with students, parents, or administrators as more anxiety


Independent Variable(s) _____________________________________________

Levels of the IV(s) _________________________________________________

Dependent Variable ________________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the DV ______________________________________

Between (Independent) or Within (Dependent) Subjects Design _____________

            Statistical Test Chosen _____________________________________________

15. Men and women were asked which of the following Olympic sports was there

      favorite: gymnastics, diving, or basketball.

Independent Variable(s) _____________________________________________

Levels of the IV(s) _________________________________________________

Dependent Variable ________________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the DV ______________________________________

Between (Independent) or Within (Dependent) Subjects Design _____________

            Statistical Test Chosen ______________________________________________

16. A group of participants was asked to rate the quality of three different brands of

      printers: Hewlett Packard, Lexmark, and Brother.

Independent Variable(s) _____________________________________________

Levels of the IV(s) _________________________________________________

Dependent Variable ________________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the DV ______________________________________

Between (Independent) or Within (Dependent) Subjects Design _____________

            Statistical Test Chosen _____________________________________________

17. Is there a relationship between the amount of money that alumni contribute annually

      to their alma mater and the number of years since their graduation?

Independent Variable(s) _____________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the IV _______________________________________

Dependent Variable ________________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the DV ______________________________________

            Statistical Test Chosen _____________________________________________

18. Do children perform better in arithmetic (number of problems correct) when allowed

      to work in groups every other day than when not allowed to do so? A teacher had

      her students work individually for the first six weeks of school and then allowed them

      to work in groups for the next six weeks. She then compared their math scores for

      the two different six week periods.

Independent Variable(s) _____________________________________________

Levels of the IV(s) _________________________________________________

Dependent Variable ________________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the DV ______________________________________

Between (Independent) or Within (Dependent) Subjects Design _____________

            Statistical Test Chosen _____________________________________________

19. Do male physicians spend more time talking with female patients than they do with

      male patients?

Independent Variable(s) _____________________________________________

Levels of the IV(s) _________________________________________________

Dependent Variable ________________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the DV ______________________________________

Between (Independent) or Within (Dependent) Subjects Design _____________

            Statistical Test Chosen _____________________________________________

20. Ten people suffering chronic pain were given a rating scale that measured the

      intensity of their pain. They were then given a new pain medication which they took

      for five days. Their pain was then assessed again using the same pain rating scale.

      The ratings before the drug were compared to the ratings after the drug in order to

      determine the drug’s effectiveness.

Independent Variable(s) _____________________________________________

Levels of the IV(s) _________________________________________________

Dependent Variable ________________________________________________

Scale of Measurement of the DV ______________________________________

Between (Independent) or Within (Dependent) Subjects Design _____________

Statistical Test Chosen _____________________________________________



Expert Solution


Independent Variable(s): Information

Levels of the IV(s): Information = 0 if influenced by the first information, = 1 if influenced by the later information

Dependent Variable: Person’s impression

Scale of Measurement of the DV: Nominal scale of measurement (rating regarding person’s impression, categorical variable)

Between (Independent) or Within (Dependent) Subjects Design: Between (Independent) Subject Design because the subjects are two individual groups.

Statistical Test Chosen: Two population proportion Z Test to compare mean rating of two population or group


Independent Variable(s): Nicotine level

Levels of the IV(s): Nicotine level= 0, =10, and = 20 (in mg)

Dependent Variable: number of errors made on a hand-eye coordination task

Scale of Measurement of the DV: Nominal scale of measurement (Number of errors, categorical variable)

Between (Independent) or Within (Dependent) Subjects Design: Between (Independent) Subject Design because the number of errors are being compared between male and female, these two subjects are two individual groups.

Statistical Test Chosen: One way ANOVA to compare mean rating of three individual groups (Nicotine level)


Independent Variable(s): Anxiety level of student

Levels of the IV(s): Anxiety level = 0 for low anxiety level student, = 1 for high anxiety level student.

Dependent Variable: Number of items corrected on timed test

Scale of Measurement of the DV: Nominal scale of measurement (categorical variable)

Between (Independent) or Within (Dependent) Subjects Design: Between (Independent) Subject Design because the subjects are two individual groups.

Statistical Test Chosen: Two population proportion Z Test to compare mean rating of two population or group


Independent Variable(s): Marital status

Levels of the IV(s): Marital status = 1 single, = 2 for divorced and = 3 for married person.

Dependent Variable: Rating of life

Scale of Measurement of the DV: Ordinal scale of measurement (Order: Dull, Routine or Exciting)

Between (Independent) or Within (Dependent) Subjects Design: Between (Independent) Subject Design because the subjects are individual groups.

Statistical Test Chosen: One way ANOVA to compare mean rating of three individual groups (Marital status)


Independent Variable(s): Gender

Levels of the IV(s): Gender = 0 if male, = 1 if female.

Dependent Variable: Number of bath/shower per week.

Scale of Measurement of the DV: Nominal scale of measurement (Number of bath/shower per week, categorical)

Between (Independent) or Within (Dependent) Subjects Design: Between (Independent) Subject Design because the subjects are individual groups.

Statistical Test Chosen: Two population proportion Z Test to compare mean rating of two population or group

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